Social Gatherings and Introductions: An Afternoon with Missus Jordan and Friends

How nice. So lovely to see you.
How are you, missus Jordan?
You know Missus Packard, I believe?
Of course. How lovely of you to come.
So nice of you to ask, cause I’m sure.
Missus Packard, may I present my cousin, Mr.
And Mrs. Lumis.
Mr. Packer.
I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Packer.
How do you do, Mr. Lumis?
And how are you, Mrs. Lumis?
You know, for a minute there,
I had you wrong. I figured that maybe you were Fern. Cliff.
You’re close. I’m pinch hitting for him.
What’s the matter?
I’m so sorry to disappoint you,
but Lord Ferncliff was taken frightfully ill.
With new writers this afternoon.
I’m so sorry. Do you mean to say that Ferncliff won’t be here?
Oh, yes.
Isn’t it terrible? They had to rush him off to Florida. Ha!
Eh, eh,
eh, eh!