Reflections on a Football Career: Challenges, Success, and Moving Forward

When you retired, did you have to pay any of the money back?
I know football is a lot different with their money than basketball is.
Yeah, yeah,
I mean, that’s, that’s,
that’s, that’s,
that’s the reason for the rift between,
you know, the team and I.
You know, it made me pay some money back.
the reason I don’t have any involvement with them is because of that.
You know, like,
you can’t really, you know,
make me pay money back and then still want me to come around.
It doesn’t work like that.
Alright, alright.
Wait, so they wanted you to pay
and then still kind of be an ambassador for the team?
Yeah. Yeah,
it don’t work. Yeah.
Oh, I’m not gonna get my services after that?
After all the time I put in,
you get no more. Haha, right, exactly. Yeah.
So in nine seasons, over 11,600 yards,
83 receiving touchdowns, you rank on the all time list.
When you sit back and get a chance to just look at your career,
what are your thoughts? It happens so fast,
you know. Um,
I keep going back to stacking those days up, man.
That’s all I try to do
is just live in the moment and stack the days up.
I think you maybe
you guys want to test to it,
you know, you just try to live in the moment.
Time flies, you know,
and next thing you look back and you’re Like, whoa.
I mean, I got a kid that’s two years old,
I got a six year old boy that’s just started school.
You know, it’s just like, damn.
So I just try to, you know,
continuously. I ain’t.
I ain’t perfect, and I try,
and I have my days where I’m off,
but I try still
just be the best version of myself and perfect any task that I’m,
you know, focused on,
that I’m. That I’m doing at the.
At the moment, you know,
and, you know, that’s.
That’s just the principle of how I’ve been living post career.
You did a little bit on Dancing With the stars.
Oh, man,
talk to us about that. Oh, man.
Happy feet, happy feet,
happy feet.
No, no, no.
Y’all too tall. Y’all too tall,
man. No.
Girls, they say, what?
What you mean three inches shorter than we are?
What you mean? We the same height?
That’s the big difference, bro.
That’s the big difference.
6 8 and 6 5 is totally different.
Yeah, but how was that?
They gave me the call, I denied him like two,
three times. And, um,
my wife said, you know,
this is, at the time,
like, everybody was using YOLO,
you know? And she was like,
she’s just. I saw them, like,
they keep on calling me about these damn shows. When.
What, you think she’s like, YOLO?
I like, you know,
I like spending time with Callie,
you know, let’s do It,
you know, so end up doing.
I had a great partner even during that show, man,
I’m stop doing the show because my ankles were swollen up so bad
or I couldn’t really.
I really couldn’t move and do the things I was supposed to do.
I couldn’t. Yeah,
I just couldn’t move. I couldn’t.
My range of motion was tied down.
So one of my homies, he’s in the film industry out there,
played Bomb Bomb me at Georgia Tech.
Also Han Tongo. Uh,
you know, we’re just kicking it.
And I was like, hey, man,
I’m about to quit the show because,
you know, I can’t move out here like I need to,
and I’m about to be out here looking like a fool on live TV,
you know? So I was like,
I’m like, I’ll just.
Just kick me out, you know, whatever.
And, uh,
he was like, hold on, man,
I got something for you. He brought me a topical.
You know, it’s my real. Really.
My first experience, really using topicals for me is just flower.
Flower concentrates, maybe,
you know, and I put that topical on my ankle,
and over the course of the next couple weeks,
you know, I was like, okay.
Like, my swelling staying down,
it’s not. My ankles aren’t blowing up anymore.
I’m like, might be something to this.
From that point on, yeah,
I was already a believer, but really,
you want to get behind the science of A cannabis and
and learn more at that point