An Unexpected Invitation: Dinner with Lord and Lady Ferncliff at the Oliver Jordans

Who is this,
missus who?
Missus Oliver Jordan.
Just a minute.
Who’s that on the telephone?
Um, Mrs.
Oliver Jordan wants to speak to you on the phone. Who?
Mrs. Jordan.
Mrs. Oliver Jordan?
Yeah. Holy cat.
Hand me that telephone, you nitwit.
Hello, Missus Jordan.
Of course I remember you. I’ve seen you at the races.
Mister Jordan and I are giving a small dinner
for Lord and Lady Ferncliff,
two very dear friends of mine from England.
Gee, that sounds swell to me.
Well, it’s awful nice of you to ask us,
Missus Jordan. We’ll be glad to accept.
Well, goodbye.
Don’t you want to know the date?
Oh, sure, Honey.
a week from tonight.
Dinner at 8. Thanks.
Well, goodbye for real this time, Missus Jordan.
Tina, get my engagement book.
Well, it’s around here somewhere.
Take this down.
Next Friday evening
at the Oliver Jordans.
Dinner at eight.
Me eating with Lord and Lady Samecliff.
Well, you don’t have to write that down, stupid.
Listen, Tina,
don’t crack about this to Mister Packard.
I want to spring it on him at the right time.
That slug never wants to meet any refined people.
Clear out of the way, Tina.
Ей ойнама
what did Doctor Talbot say
what time’s he coming well he didn’t say exactly
he asked was there any symptoms
and I said no I didn’t think so and he said
all right then he’d be over sometime today well I Got a cold
and my legs ache all over.
Well, you didn’t tell me to say that,
missus Packard. Well, you should have known it