Magical Memories: Our Last Day in Disneyland Paris

come and spend the day with us for our last day in Disneyland Paris
so we go home tomorrow so this is our last full day
so we started off with our daily wave to Minnie Mickey in the morning
we didn’t think we would make it in for any of the magic ever
but we managed to get in like
halfway through so I guess that was good
but we did skip breakfast at the hotel
and we just went straight in
and we managed to find Bonnie some apple
and we also found a little Donald Duck cake for Riley
so that was a really cute start to the day
healthy breakfast for Bonnie
and maybe not so much for Riley
so we headed in for Riley’s very last daily sword pool
we unfortunately never got it out
but we will try again next time
so we went on the carousel
and then Riley has been dying to get her face painted this whole holiday
so she picked her face paint
and off she went to get her face painted by a lovely lady
and Bonnie kept on eating her apple
and this face paint I have to say
was amazing it looks so good
she was so happy with it she felt so fancy
she said she felt like Elsa slash Donald
then we wait to the ducks because there was loads in the pond this morning
so cute and then we went on the teacups
we had just caught this on the end of the magic ever
so it was quite good it wasn’t too busy
then we headed over to the Alice in Wonderland maze
we haven’t actually done that yet this holiday
there was lots of choices to meet
did we go up or down left or right
round and round we got a little bit lost
but we we got out thankfully
and then we saw even more ducks
the ducks were out on the forest this morning
and then it was time for Small World
and this is Bonnie’s small World dance is like
the cutest thing ever she did this the whole way around
so this is her in the queue
and this is her going on the ride
and then this is her on the right
literally she did it that whole time
bless her it was so cute
then it was time to catch the last stars on parade parade
we had a nice little moment with Alice
she was so sweet Riley’s absolute favourite Donald
she was so hoping that he would see her dress
this is like the fourth time she’s dressed up as Donald this holiday
even though I planned like
a different costume for every single day
but never mind she’s happy wearing Donald
she can wear Donald and Bonnie has taken quite a liking to buzz this holiday
so she was given buzz big waves
and then I think this was the same Cinderella
that we saw yesterday at the princess dinner
so that was really sweet if we got a little away from her again
and then this was Bonnie’s hair after all of Elsa’s
like bubble snow
um so yeah
she was covered then we headed for some lunch
and don’t worry that was not a fizzy drink
that was like
apple juice so after lunch
we went to wait on the millions flashes of colour parade
it has actually not been like
on properly this pretty much the whole holiday
we caught it like
the first two days but because it was just so hot
like we had to do it like modified
so we’d missed out on this a bit
so we made sure we got it today
and she got this really special moment with Donald and daisies
that was super sweet then she got a high five from Pinocchio
he did got a high five Bonnie
that was never gonna happen
then we got a little wave from many
which was really sweet and a hug from Stitch
Bonnie was loving this parade
and I’m really glad that it was actually on today
so we caught it on her last day
and just because it’s been so hot
like I said it’s not been on
so we were thrilled that it was cool enough for it to be on today
so then we had a little rest
watched Starden Stone and we headed out for dinner
and then we headed into the Walt Disney Studios bit
because we just had to see Mickey and the magician again
one more time before we went
this is like our favourite thing
I think in the whole of our holidays
so we definitely had to catch that just one more time
and we made sure we got front seats again
so that we could see absolutely everything super close
and then for Riley’s favourite bit
the streamers falling down from the ceiling
yeah she has to sit at the front so she can get lots of the streamers
and she wants to take them away with her
so that’s really sweet so then I went into the shop
because I saw some cute t shirts for me and the girls
and really wants to wear hers on our way home
and this is us actually ready now the next morning on our way home
so Casey’s packed leaving the hotel
little bit sad but obviously happy to be going home to see our cats
so we have had the best holiday ever
and this is how excited Riley was to be back in Scotland