The UNO Showdown: Exploring the World of UNO Teams with the King of UNO

yo you playing UNO
it’s about time
I’ve been trying to put you on that forever
great game right
yeah duh
yeah I’ve been playing it for years
since before it was huge but glad you finally hopped on the bandwagon
UNO’s the biggest card game in the country
you’re not special
I’ve been hyping it up to people
it must have worked
you think you’re single handedly responsible for the success of UNO
you think you’re the king of UNO
I guess you could call me that
we’re actually playing UNO Teams
so explain the new rules to us
well Professor UNO first
you split into two teams wrong
it’s teams of two that’s what I meant
okay then what does the Wild Team Play card do um
it gives your teammate a wild card
incorrect it skips directly to your teammate moron
you don’t know anything about UNO Teams