From Dreams to Reality: My Journey to Monetizing Social Media and Achieving Financial Freedom

Okay, friends, listen up. The only reason I’m making this video is because I really just wanna talk about my goals with monetizing my social media. I don’t make money on any other social media platform. Like I’ve made $4 total on my Amazon storefront. I got approved to be a like to know it creator, but I just haven’t had time to like set up my whole like to know it. So obviously haven’t made money there. And then total on Tik Talk since I started updated this morning is a hundred and forty dollars and eighty three cents. Now I haven’t touched that money. I’m trying to like let it sit where it gets paid out. So here’s like my plans, my hopes, my aspirations, my dreams with monetizing TikTok. And I will say like I’ve seen a lot of people on here like blow up overnight, but that is what I have made since I got approved for the Creator program and TikTok Shop. So I didn’t really start doing anything with TikTok Shop until like a month and a half ago, but I got approved for the creator program at Beta Creator.

I don’t know what it’s called, but I got a proof for that literally the day after Walker passed away. So like that was in very early March. And I almost quit because I was just like, whatever. And then I just kind of felt like I can use this platform to encourage others, to help others, to inspire other people, to walk with other people through their grief. And so that’s why I say, that’s why I’m here. And I’m not on this app or any other app to get rich quick or that, whatever.

Like I am a photographer and I have another job and I make money and I help pay the bills and that’s great and wonderful. But like at the end of the day, everybody knows the economy in America is absolutely trash. And it would literally be life changing just to even make a couple hundred extra dollars a month, not even like multiple thousands, but even if it was just a couple extra hundred, it, it would make a big difference in our household.

You know what I’m saying? So my whole goal with it is to first like, okay, let’s use this money wisely. So I’m letting it save up and I really just want to start with paying off any and every debt. We are blessed to drive two paid off vehicles. However, like we do have medical debt and then we also have debt from when Walker passed away. And I have medical debt from when I had Walker. And then there’s just like other small little debts that like I want to pay that off completely, no questions asked. That’s what I’m gonna start with. And then my goal from there is really to like, you know, how like on an insurance plan, like for instance, on my insurance plan for my truck and for Nathan truck too, obviously. But for that, like you can pay like whatever that term is, like if it’s six months, if it’s year, you can pay the whole thing. I would love to do that. So we can reduce our monthly spending. So really like my goal is to set ourselves up for success for when we do have more children and for just for us to be able to live more comfortably, you know. And then from there, like once we start to pay all of that off and like we reduce our monthly spending, I’m talking with my hands so bad.

I’m sorry. But from there, I really would like to start increasing the value of our home. So our home and all the other homes like on our little strip, we’re all built by the same builder and none of us have paved driveways. Okay? And none of us also, none of us, there’s like maybe eight or 10 houses. I don’t even know if it’s that many, but we live in the middle of nowhere. But they also don’t have garages. So me and Nathan have talked about like year by year, we would like to save up in like one year, pay the driveway, and then the next year like start collecting stuff and then we wanna build a garage. And then the next year we wanna add on to like the little corner of our back porch and attach that to the garage and almost have like a whole patio and then we could have like, you know, a place to put a grill and not and it not get rained on and a place to park our trucks because we park our trucks and we live in the middle of Tornatta Valley or whatever you call in Alabama. I don’t know. But like we’re just at a high risk where we’re to get really bad weather. And so we don’t have garages to put either of our trucks in. And like, it’s great and wonderful that they’re paid off, but if storm came and total both of our vehicles and insurance didn’t cover it, like we wouldn’t have the money to have another vehicle.

You know what I’m saying? So from there, like once we increase the property value of our home, like I would really love to just start paying off like on our home. Like I just want to like put chunks of money down around home so that way, again, we can live more comfortably and be, and less debt together. So again, my goal is really not to like get rich quick. Like this is literally money like we are using to live. But for now, I’m just letting it sit and I’m letting it add up and it’s almost like a savings account. So like if something really did happen and we really did need the money for something, right now it’s $140, so it really couldn’t get us anywhere. But it’s still $140 that I didn’t have three months ago. You know what I’m saying? So that’s my goals and that’s why I wanna be consistent and continue posting and like continue showing up because one day I’m gonna make our dreams happen, you know, that’s my spill and that’s my goal and those are my hopes and aspirations. And I hope by the Grace of the good Lord that someday happens, you know?