Garth Chocolate’s Musical Journey: Sharing Spotify and Apple Music Playlists for Fall and Winter Vibes

if you guys love music like I do
make sure you add me on Instagram @garthchocolate
I have Apple Music
and I have Spotify playlist that I’m ready to share with the world
make sure you add me on Instagram
then DM me saying you need either my Spotify or my Apple Music
and I will send it to you as soon as I can
um yeah
I’m not gatekeeping music
I feel like we’re about to go into the fall season
we’re about to go into the winter
and this is when the music really starts
when you start really feeling the music
like you really be on those late night drives listening to music like
know me so make sure you add me on Instagram at @garthchocolate um
and I’ll send you on my playlist as well as um
subscribe to my YouTube channel
Garth Chocolate
I just started a series of 10 R&B song playlist
I’m gonna do a couple of those to see like
if y’all vibe with them like
I’m just out there rocking the music
giving y’all some some gems
like I’m not gatekeeping music
like why are we gatekeeping music
if we want our artists to succeed
like we got to expand and reach
so I appreciate y’all for rocking with me and continuing to support me
I love y’all um
god bless y’all I’ll talk to y’all later