Ghostly Encounters and Hidden Histories: A Collection of Haunting Tales and Mysterious Finds

Okay, so I just got done with the crisis. Why? I don’t know. You guys are so mean to me. But I’m okay now. This one is showing up. I got this book at the thrift store and I had to put a tag on it because there didn’t even have a tag on it. I hate when I go there and it doesn’t have a tag on it and I wanna buy it. I have to still want up another one and put it on. But New Orleans is so much more honour than I thought. It was like, this isn’t even funny. It’s like naming every single building in the city where some mysterious, it’s super sad stuff. Like there’s one that really got to me. Like I had to put the book down and I’m gonna tell you what it is. It was okay.

So back in the day, cruel women, we’re not marriable. You could not marry them like a white man, like the cruel woman. And he already had a white wife and a house. He couldn’t marry the cruel woman. It was against the law. But he could put her up in a house, have kids with her and the whole thing, but he could not marry her. And so one of those cruel women who was lucky enough to be taken care of, you know, and lead that kind of life. She just wouldn’t let it go, that he wouldn’t marry her. And he used to like, tell her to do ridiculous things, you know, like, so that she would just forget about it and not worry about it. But he literally told her, he told her to go on the roof in the freezing cold and wait there all night. And if she made it through the morning, he would marry her. And I’m sorry, but I would probably be that cruel girl that did that. And she died up there. And she died on the roof, freezing cold in like a bundle, you know? And that’s not the end of it. It ends with the wife finding out that was going on and like taking her spirit and throwing her spirit in one room and to this day, her spirit cannot leave that room in that building because that white wife will not allow it. Isn’t that ? She could not leave that room that like that way up there where nobody’s gonna see her. She’s like locked in that room today. That’s so messed up. I just can’t believe that. And that was the only one that like really like took me. But there’s some about like war happening and stuff like that. But this city is really haunted. And there’s a volume 2 like this. Somebody wrote a volume 2. I’m trying to see if the person who wrote it is from here. Cuz I’m really iffy about that. I’m sorry. I am. But she’s been on like MTV. She does the tool, like she’s part semi that does the tours down here and like owns haunted history tours. Okay, Sidney Smith and then the female. It is so good. It’s just like short story of history after short story of history. And it’s just, I can’t put it down. It’s what I want to read. It’s really good. I suggested to anybody, if you find this book and you’re into like stuff like this, like me, I’m highly into this. This is like one of the only things in the world that interests me book wise. So I read it. I guess I’m almost halfway done with the book, but there’s another book that I got from the store that I want to show.

Okay, so I recently bought this book with the help of my friendly ghost friend named Courtney. He basically told me to buy it, and I didn’t even know it was alive. I didn’t even know it was a book. But he told me use the last of something I had on Walmart and look up the Amy Wine House book. And I did and there was an Amy Wine House book and I was so stoked out and I had just enough money to buy it. So I bought it and it’s just like her journal and stuff like that. But this one I got at the throat store too. And this looks so good to me. I think it’s like also short stories. And if it’s not look like near death experiences and stuff like that, like that’s so awesome to me. And like, I don’t know if I’m gonna like this book or not, but this is the next book I’m gonna read. Yeah, I got a whole bunch of good books to read.

So one of my neighbors, she was white and she wasn’t from here, but she went to college here. And she was saying like, yeah, I’m moving back it with my parents. She lived right up there and she threw all her stuff out. And she had a whole bunch of books. And she had Prince Harry’s book. Oh my God, I’m totally gonna read. And it, I don’t think she read it. She read a few pages, but that’s it. And then she has what, isn’t this Hamilton? The extraordinary life and times of the wife of Alexander Hamilton. I think this is Ham. I don’t know if it’s Hamilton, the one that I’m thinking of or not. But anyway, and then here’s a Witch’s Complete Guide to self care, healing rituals and soothing spellcraft. A well being. I can’t even pronounce that word, but yeah, it’s so hot outside. I’m gonna be done with these books about the summer. I’m reading all my books.

Are we out of time? Okay, let me hurry up. I got, this is the works of Shakespeare. And if anybody knows their history, they know that a black slave wrote all the Shakespeare’s plays back in the day. And this is really written by a black slave and Shakespeare just took credit for it. And then here’s hamlet. She left this one. You are a badass. She didn’t read it. It was like somebody always sent her like, oh, here’s my sticker. I was looking for this sticker. There’s milk and honey. I think she read this one. I heard this one was really good. Still smell like her. And then she, somebody sent us so many self help little notebooks. I filled it out. I filled one out. But like, isn’t that so cute? You can just fill it out every day and, you know, keep your brain organized. And then I have, mom, I want to hear your story. And dad, I want to hear your story. I got these from TikTok. I canceled it, but they still sent it to me.

Oh, this isn’t the book. Where’s my book? I better so have that book. This is western music, classic to romantic. This was like some of the romantic music that they played back in the day. And I can’t wait to get a hold of a piano and see like, what this all sounded like. Mozart. Hey, Ren. Yeah, these are all the classics and had to get this. Like, who doesn’t wanna read this? You know, like this is a classic book. I bought this book for my best friend’s son when he graduated high school cuz this was the top book to give for graduate in high school that year. And I got it for him. Where is my book?