Fatherly Warnings and Generous Gestures: A Surprising Encounter

Hey, my dad wants to talk to you. What?
Why? I’m not sure. Okay.
Uh, are you gonna come with me?
He told me just you. Uh, oh,
hello, sir.
Uh, you wanted to talk to me?
I just wanted to let you know whatever you do to my daughter,
I will do to you. You got that?
Yes, sir.
Ah, my dad’s so rich,
but he won’t spend any money on me. Really?
Ah, that’s a shame.
You know what? I’ll give you all the money in my bank account. Really?
Aww, you’re the sweetest.
I can’t believe it.
Dad Luke just gave me all the money in his bank account. He did.