Title suggestion: Exclusive Maritime Mentorship Program with Fieldwork, Certificates, and Philanthropy: A Special Offering in Honor of My Birthday

Good morning.
So I’ve been getting a lot of messages about my mentorship program,
but at the time I could only take 20 people
this time I can take a little more of it and um,
in line with my CSR, which is giving back basically and in well
I call it honour of my birthday, October 1st,
I’ll be holding a special mentorship program this time.
But this mentorship program is going to have every single thing ever
I talked about in maritime
in Nigeria is going to have transportation,
dredging, oil, trucking,
uh, fishing,
literally every single thing
and so on and so forth is going to have a certificate
at the end of the day. I’m going to also do field work
and you’d also have a direct access to me
and you’d also have access to knowledge
I have never shared with anyone before.
As a matter of fact,
all connections that I’m literally previously would be given to you,
my mentees and all proceeds coming from this
will be given directly to the less privileged
because that’s still part of my CSR
which is giving back to the society.
So I can’t wait to meet all of you.