Exploring the Power of Imagination in Faith: A Christian Perspective on Manga and Fantasy

All right. But I get your message and I totally understand that. But it might be real. I’m Christian. No. All.

Right. Let’s have this conversation. I.

Read scripture. I pray every day. And for those that are gonna tell me, oh, you need more, God, you need. No, I.

Don’t. No. First off, guys, go back and watch this whole video because in this response, I’m gonna hit at certain points, not gonna hit everything. He talks about. The video is pretty long and I was actually chuckling. I was chuckling at some of the clips that you made the but comment, imagination, etc. But we’re gonna explore one that last comment a little later. But let’s get into your video.

Both manga, Manka and anime. It all comes from the author, say it with me, imagination. See.

I told you had me chuckling. But there’s something funny about you bringing up imagination, especially when you’re contrasting the creative writing of Mangaka to the orchestration of the Bible and saying that it’s just made up by a bunch of people and being rewritten, those type of accusations. And hearing that from a Christian, too, it’s kind of funny. But the Bible does address the issue of imagination in the story of the tower of Babel, because that was a part of the reason why get god scattered the languages was because their creative imagination took them to a place of thinking that they could ascend to heaven by building this tower. And that’s where we have the division of the people, not only in language, but in culture and even in religion. I don’t let you finish cooking. I’m gonna let you finish.

I’ve Learned more from the black swordsman who beheads demons and, you know, has seen some very graphic things that nobody should see then what some guy on a Sunday tells me at the end of the day I should be doing, which is. Except Christ, which I already have.

What we’re gonna double back to that last comment of all these things that you’ve Learned from manga more than what you’ve Learned from a pastor in a pool pit. But let’s focus on the manga part. Do you know where these manga got these things? Wasn’t just from their imagination. It just wasn’t stuff they cooked up in their head. This was done through research and studying historical things to come up with these things. Your imagination stems off the foundation of reality. It stems off of the foundation of what other religions have already said, have already thought about, have already preached about and believed for so many, several centuries, then they incorporate those things into the stories. It’s not just made up. And this next line I’m about to say is not directed directly at you because I love you and I don’t mind that you have been shared this opinion with me. I don’t mind these. I don’t mind having these conversations. I’m just very passionate about these conversations. Nonetheless, you don’t get fiction without non fiction. Nonfiction is the foundation for any type of fantasy, any type of imaginary world, any type of narrative and story that anybody makes up. So you don’t even get the stories that you find more interesting than someone preaching the gospel. Gosh, I gotta get to that. You don’t get those stories without it being based off of something in reality. So it’s not just off the top of their head. It’s not just imagination. Even at the tower of Babel, what made them think that they could do that was the experiences that they had during the time of Noah, the giants, the Nephilim, their exposure to the sons of god that appeared during that time that made them think that they could ascend. But I’ll let you continue.

Because it’s all made up by humans. And there’s no reason to be scared. There’s no reason to be feeling that switch. It’s, they made it up.

Okay? So hear me out, man, because here’s the thing with you having made that statement, you’re either being inconsistent or you’re being hypocritical. I’m not just outright calling you a hypocrite, but your statements are hypocritical in none of themselves. You may be being both.

I don’t know. Notice you said that you learn more from guts than you do from hearing a pastor preach. But at the same time, you also follow up with, it’s made up. I know that. It’s not real. It’s this and it’s that. But you’re letting these things that are made up and not real influence, motivate and shape you in some way, shape or form because it has this impact on you. Yes. Then I guess it’s not just entertainment, it’s actually molding and shaping you, sadly, more than the word being shared with you is.

And I’m going to say this because I want to be open and honest and demonstrate that I love and care. I wonder, and I say wonder, if you actually attend a church, if you’re in fellowship with a ministry. And if you are in fellowship with a ministry and the circumstance is that manga does more for you than a gospel, than someone cheering the gospel on the pulpit. And especially they’re only telling you you need Jesus versus you teaching you about Jesus and his word. Then you might need to find another church because trust me, there are other churches doing way better than that with sharing the gospel, far exceeding anything than any manga or creator could ever do.

By the way, if you truly are leaning on the possibility that it’s just entertainment and it’s just fiction, and I’m even more worried for you because now you’re being influenced by something that you don’t think is real. That’s way more dangerous. That leaves a spiritual door open for you of influence and you’re claiming to have Christ, but you’re prior, you’re putting these things on a higher pedestal than you are. God’s word from God’s people and God enriching you and moving you in that way.

You know, it don’t make sense to only be self motivated and self encouraged if you’re not being encouraged by being in fellowship, having people teach you the word, you sharing a word with other people in that iron, sharpening iron. If you don’t have that and you’re getting all your words of affirmation from just your prayers and your personal faith, just you and god, that’s something wrong. Rather, I’ll give you what this meant. I would highly encourage you to go and reevaluate your perspective, especially on God’s Word. Revisit God’s Word, because it’s not just something that is put together by a bunch of men to put a book together. You proclaiming faith, but also making that statement. Do a bit more research to have a bit more confidence in this book that’s just been put together by man versus making statements like that against the word of God. Man, I, it’s, there’s something off about that.