Slaying Through the Hangover: A Southern Adventure in Tennessee

Bro, I am so fucking hungover right now.
I am unwell.
It’s a long fucking night.
Get ready with me to slay another day in Tennessee.
I can’t do this right now, huh?
And today is the busiest day on the trip,
so that’s good. We’re doing a cooking class,
wine tasting, dinner,
elevated chic. I’m extremely excited.
I just love it here. I am coming back with my family 100%.
So badly wish I could go to a Waffle House.
I hear about Waffle House all the time,
and I passed by one on the way here.
Oh, my god,
I wanna go. Everyone tells me it’s worth the hype.
You always hear about southern hospitality.
So real. Everybody here is so hospitable.
I can’t believe it. Like,
Boston could never. I don’t know if I like it, though.
I have to be honest. I like a little rough around the edges.
I don’t think people in the south are fake,
because you hear that a lot.
Like, fake, nice.
I just think, like,
they fucking condition to that shit.
They used to it. It’s what they know.
Or as like in Boston, it’s like,
yo, shithead,
you need a fucking hand? You know what I mean?
One thing I love about the USA, though,
like, depending on where you go in the country,
the people are so fucking different.
The people in Boston are definitely my favorite,
but that’s biased. And I think my least favorite has been LA.
No offense, but maybe that’s just the area I’ve been in.
Don’t forget, I’m matching my tan.
I don’t think I can live in the south
because I can’t be nice all the time.
I can’t. It is not in me.
So Cody’s a western boy,
so it took a long time for him to adapt to a me.
It took me a long time to adapt to him because nice boys in Boston.
I don’t know if you know anything about the Dayton scene and, like,
the Boston area, but it’s horrific.
This trip has made me want to explore the south a bit more.
So if this place is in the south,
you think I need to go, let me know.
I am going in with my ABH concealer.
I don’t really drink much.
I drink, you know,
if I go on a brand trip or very special occasions,
but that’s really it. So last night we had fun.
I had about six shots. I had a vodka cranberry champagne.
Wanna try this really pretty baby pink?
This is so cool. Oh.
Oh. Oh,
my god. And then imagine this blush on top.
So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna set with the Givenchy powder,
set everything. Look at how beautiful that is.
I’m just taking the coast is in
shade butterflies and putting it right on top.
Look at this blush. Like honey.
The cheeks are cheekin. I’ll see a lip liner.
Shade Hold.
Oh, you know how I always forget something when I go on trips?
I didn’t forget anything this time, slay.
And then I’m gonna put ABH Softie on top.
This could look horrific, but we can just redo it if it does.
Oh wow, that’s pale.
It’s crazy, cause when I am not self tanned,
these are really dark on me.
And now it’s like literally so pale.
I don’t think so. No.
Okay, I think this is better.
It’s given Blackhead Babby.
Might do just mascara. I mean,
look at the difference. Okay,
time to tame this mane and get dressed.