Title: The Power of Discernment: Being Mindful of What We Watch and Listen To

So a couple of weeks ago, I was binge watching Nollywood movies. And if you know me, I love Nigeria movies, love Nollywood movies. But see, I don’t like the spell ones and stuff. Just some nice old boy meets girl, you know, she’s a poor girl who falls in love with the Prince and all sorts of stuff. And I thought, you know, it’s safe, it’s fine. That night I went to bed and I saw Adivan. That’s the best, the, on the way I could describe it, just a D1 in my dreams. And I don’t see those things in my dreams. I don’t see scary things in my dreams. I don’t see those. And I wasn’t watching a scary movie. I don’t see scary things in my dreams. I have wonderful sleep.

But that night I saw that and immediately it came to my mind. You gave access through the movies you are watching. And I was watching a documentary a couple of weeks before of this girl, you know, who was testifying of the, that she wanted to be a Nollywood actress and she was basically being put under a spell because, you know, this is what they do. And sometimes you’re watching a movie and you don’t understand, one, why you’re so addicted to it. One, why you love the movie so much or why you love the song so much, why you can’t stop watching it, why you can’t stop playing it by your constant. You don’t want, you’re sharing it with your friends. Be mindful of what we give ourselves access to.

Since then, I haven’t watched another movie, not because I’m scared, but because you have to be knowledgeable of the wiles of the enemy. You have to be knowledgeable that sometimes the enemy knows not sometimes the enemy knows you won’t catch you in the club. He knows he won’t catch you on the streets. He knows he won’t catch you in some act. But he will catch you through the screen of your TV or he’ll catch you through what you listen to or he’ll catch you through a conversation with a friend.

One of the things that I’m very shocked to is that a lot of Christians are onto Bridgerton. I don’t. Especially single Christians, mind you. A lot of us don’t have the same stumbling blocks. A lot of us don’t have the same struggles. A lot of us to.

But I cannot watch Bridgeton. I just cannot. I remember I started and I was like, but this is the keyword corn. This is corn on screen. And I’m just not keen because I just want, even if you’re not tempted by it, you’re supporting the market for it, you’re creating a desire for it on the market. Cuz what, when there’s a demand, there will be a creation of the supply. And so you might not be struggling with the sin, but you are endorsing it by watching it.

And I know all of us, we’re not perfect. We have different struggles. We have different things that we deal with. But let’s just be mindful of what we patronize on Netflix. I don’t have Netflix, but whatever format, whether it’s YouTube, right, whatever you patronize, let us be careful because we can be indirectly contributing to a world that is becoming one that doesn’t glorify God.

Bridgeton, I don’t think we should be watching Bridger Time. That’s just me. And it might not be that there is anything explicitly wrong with the MU, with the movie. But sometimes a lot of reveal to you that you need to stop supporting this industry because they are, I’m soliciting other powers and those powers don’t glorify God, you know. So I just wanted to share that thought with you. Share if you care. God bless.