Call for Variety: A Message to Game Science from a Dedicated Player

this message goes out to all the members in Game Science
first of all great job
great job at Black Myth Recon
I am loving this game and I’m pretty sure the numbers are showing on your end
you guys are doing very successful and you’re crushing it
however and yes
there is a however and I hate saying this because I feel like I’m being picky
but I am tired of doing the same combos
guys at Game Science if you’re watching this
any other game that you’re doing moving forward
please I am begging you
I am only in chapter 2 and I’m noticing the same combos
but the game is so good that you kinda like
look past that but I’m noticing the same combos
guys moving forward
let’s add some variety like square
square triangle
or square triangle
square triangle
light light
heavy heavy
hold light light
or light light
heavy like this
this this this
change it up a little bit
because if I have to do the same move
he he
guys guys at Game Science
please I am begging you
add variety with any other game that you doing
that’s it that’s all you have to do bro
I don’t care about the map
I’ll figure that shit out
I’ll figure my way out but give me variety
cause these guys are tough that you’re putting up against us
we need variety okay
some like whole
like big guys please
we’re begging you we love you
we just doing this
I’m doing this because I want you guys to get better at what you guys doing
but guys
thank you so much for this game
but please please
please please
alright goodnight