Exploring International Flavors Through Donuts: A New Zealand Adventure

I found six donuts
oh boy
good morning looks like curly hair too
oh looks like hair yeah
oh good
that’s what I wanted it to look like
looks like my hair when I was like 18
I’m starting a new series where I’m gonna do donuts
inspired by all of my followers countries
I couldn’t believe I had like 11,000 comments on that video
where I ask people where they’re from and they’re just all over the world
that’s cool I know
so we’re doing a hairy country
this place means a lot to me
so of course we had to start here
oh looks a little crazy eye
perfect it’s a little early for Halloween
Monster Donuts haha
I have to fill it with worms
it’s cause this thing eats worms
so I thought that would be funny to fill it with gummy worms
big bird he really got it
it’s a kiwi bird
where’s the kiwi bird from New Zealand
oh okay
now I got it the pink bow really got it for me
it’s the national bird of New Zealand
I love them okay
let’s go put these out
you’re not serious what if someone from New Zealand comes in
they’re not gonna know what it is
a New Zealander is gonna know what this is oh
I’m obsessed
just for you New Zealand
thanks for watching okay
no don’t encourage