Boosting Metabolism and Motivation: The Power of Refeed Meals

If you’re dieting and you’re noticing your metabolism is slowing down,
along with motivation and drive to be consistent with everything,
my recommendation would to be to incorporate some refeed meals,
some structured refeed meals or refeed days every seven to nine days,
maybe more frequently,
depends on how quickly you’re progressing in the speed of the fat loss.
When you have a refeed meal,
a refeed meal is basically a cheap meal,
but without the junk involved.
So it’s basically having a meal bigger than your usual meal.
You keep the ingredients clean,
but you will increase the carb intake.
You keep fats low, you keep protein the same,
but the carbs goes up. Try keep,
it’s complex carbs. Don’t overdo the sugar
and have these every seven days.
You’ll notice that not only will you look forward to having them,
you’re gonna sleep better after you’ve had it.
Your training sessions
the day or two days after are gonna be much better.
You’ll feel stronger, you’ll have a better pump.
And you’ll also notice that this will spike your metabolism
over the duration of your cup.
So do that. Trust me,
it works, but don’t overdo it.