Exploring the UH3 Guardsman Trail: A Journey Through Alaska’s Stunning Landscape

Good morning. Today we’re gonna explore this
UH3 Guardsman Trail near Alaska.
We’re very close to the trail.
High. Now
we’re gonna head out that way.
So this is the entry point from the side of the highway.
We have a little bit of a
space here in the. In the.
Around the bush so we don’t have to, like,
push back, which is awesome.
And then we’re gonna cross this Stony River bed.
So we cross the little stream.
Now we’re on the other side.
The troll head is to be have a head.
According to the map only we found the trailhead.
That’s where we came from.
You see, our motorhome is right there.
We’re gonna test the radio,
and I’m gonna see if Anna can hear it.
Hi, baby.
Hi, baby.
Hello, baby.
Hello, baby.
Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Hello, baby.
How are you? Well,
I didn’t get a response, so I decided to move on.
wow look at that it’s a beautiful ridge
okay there’s a Canyon just right next to us
wow hey guys check it out on the other side just across
this valley there’s some
structure what is that anybody know the first few miles of the hike
was an old mining road
so moist I won’t touch it
well hello boulders here’s the fork in the road
then it’s time to leave the main road and hike straight up the
steep slope the entire mountain was covered in Cinder block size
boulders, some of which was quite unstable the entire way up.
I was surrounded by a stunning hundred eighty degree views
near the top. I decided to try radioing.
And again. Hello?
Hello? Baby?
Baby, can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Hello? Can you hear me now?
Yes, I can hear you loud and clear.
We’re on top of the mountain.
Oh, I,
I absolutely. I love you all.
Like, I’m not gonna risk anything,
so I’m gonna just turn around here now.
Probably will be, be back be, um,
within an hour and a half.
If not, then come look for me.
Ha ha ha ha. Hey,
why don’t you send you to come back?
When are you coming back? I’m coming back right now.
I’m starving. I didn’t bring any food.
Uh, I got a little water,
but I drink it all. So I’m now I’m out of water.
I have to go down somewhere to like.
There’s streams. Okay.
Lots of streams you can get water from.
So now I’m. I’m coming down.
Okay, over and out.
I wish you guys can see the.
What I’m seeing right now.
Baby, it is so beautiful.
Looking back at where I was a moment ago.
It feels so surreal. We’re back.
I can see my. My home now.
Beautiful mountain right here.
I just heard some big rock broke off on top of the mountain somewhere.
Like boom.
Okay, so thank you so much.
For joining us. I’ll catch you guys next time. Signing off.