Captured Memories: Day 236 of My Hard Photo Challenge

Day 236 of trying to take a hard photo every single day all year.
So my camera for today was my Dsi XL.
Or I should say Bruno’s Dsi XL that he’s letting me use it check.
Anyway, now the dsi’s camera is basically just a really shitty camera.
It really doesn’t have anything special
that sets it aside from any other
old camera, except for just a very specific vibe
which you can’t even really attach to just a DS.
If I showed you just a photo,
you might not even know it was taken on a DS.
You might guess it was like an iPhone one,
but I still wanted that DS five to come through in the photo.
So who would take photos on a DS?
A kid? What kind of photos would they take?
Well, as a boy,
when I was younger, I would take photos of my toys.
I’d set up battles
or just for some reason decide to torture one of my stuffed animals,
and I would take pictures to commemorate that.
So I decided to do just that for today.
And in the spirit of torturing toys,
I channeled my inner Sid from Toy Story
and decided to take my Woody toy
and crucify him on my Minecraft pickaxe.
That’s pretty much it.
I hung them up on my wall and snapped a photo with the DS.
No editing needed. I think the grime
and confusion and disgustingness of this photo is enough
So with that, this is my hard photo of the day.
Let me know what you guys think down in the comments below,
and I will see you all tomorrow.