A Rainy Day in Austin: Finding Coziness in the Little Things

so it’s raining right now in Austin
which may be like whatever to some people
but in Dallas
it hasn’t rained the entire time that I’ve been there the last few weeks
and when I lived there two years ago
it was like the longest summer without rain
I think it was like 90 days or something
and I’m used to living in New York
where it rains all the time
Florida rained every day during the summer in the morning
and then being from the Midwest
it’s very humid because of the rain
so people always say that Dallas is very humid
I think it’s so dry
I have to have two humidifiers in my bedroom while I’m living there
because it is so freaking dry to me
it’s full dry heat so imagine how I feel when I
but yes imagine how I feel when I’m in LA working or California
it is so so dry to me
I don’t like it at all but yes
as someone who’s from the Midwest
where it is very rainy and actually humid
and has lived in Florida where it rains every day
this is so refreshing to me
I feel like it’s always the little things
but it’s also so freaking cozy
I’m at this beautiful hotel right now
I’m on my way to get a massage
and it is side which is key
and then there’s just this light drizzling of like
pre dinner rain so it’s very cozy and if you are in Austin right now
it is a very cozy Friday night
so hope everyone else has a great Friday night and a great weekend
and your reminder to appreciate the little things
and someone’s rainy day is my best day
just depends on how you look at it bye