Dishing Out the Juicy Truth: Behind The Scenes Revelations from The Perfect Match House

Okay, guys. So Christine from The Perfect Match just dropped a 27 minute video on YouTube about what really happened in the perfect match house and I’m gonna recap it for you. So you’re welcome. Okay, at first I was like, okay girl, what are you talking about? We know all of this. And she was going off about cast. But let me get to the good part because at the end, she started spilling motherhood boutique. So basically she said that the only boy that did not show his ass at Sonote Boy’s day was Justin. She said everybody else was acting up and they didn’t show a lot of those scenes.

She said that Steven was hitting on Zante and Britain at the Sonote. He ate hummus off a Melinda’s toes and did a body shot off a Dom. She said that Chris was trying to hit on Britain and Zante and told Dom that Tulu was not his physical type. She said that Chris is the biggest user faker of them all. He’s a cloud chaser, that he used Tolu to secure a spot in the house and that she’s not for people using black women, specifically dark skin women for screen time. And that’s what Chris was doing. I’m gonna get into all the she said about Kaz and Mica, but it was the behind the scenes t for me that like, I was like, what? She said that Steven was a big faker too. She said that and Alara’s relationship was like more like lustful. She said that the boys couldn’t fake it past a week. He said that it hadn’t even been a week when Steven goes to Alara that he told Britain that he would have, he wished he would have matched with her. Instead, she said Mika’s a mean girl in real life, which we all knew that she said. She would say condescending stuff to her all the time, like, oh my god, all of this made it so far. All of us started at the beginning and we all made it this far knowing why that Christina had just got into the house. Christine, not Christina.

She said she would make snarky little comments like, oh my god, imagine if Nigel and Christina. She said she liked Alara during filming, but after filming, Alaris slid into Nigel’s DM. She even showed the DM. This is Alara DM in her. Like she would be like, oh my God, are you guys still together? Oh my God, how cute. And then girl slid into his DM. This is the DM here. She said she first slid with like, sent him a real with some laughing emojis and then like ended up asking him like, where are you staying at or some like that. She also said that after filming, a bunch of them stayed in Mexico and that Jess was in Mexico with Harry. As we all know, there’s pictures of them together in Mexico and that Alara tried to hook another girl up with Harry while he was with Jess. She also said that when Alara stayed in LA, she stayed at Harry’s house. You heard me. That’s what she said. Watch her video. She said that. I didn’t say that.

She said that when her and Nigel film the Where Are They now that just came out today, she said that her and Nigel had just gotten into a huge fight that was filmed about a month ago. She said they had just gotten to a huge fight. So they were both being petty towards one another. But she said that they did end up having like a nine month relationship in that they just broke up about a month ago around May 29,2024. So out of everyone on the show, they did have the longest relationship. She also said that the door is not completely closed with Nigel.

Now, let me tell you what she said about Kaz, the whole first part of the video was all about Kaz. I just wanted to get the juicy stuff out the way. So she said basically with cars, the parts that we didn’t see was that he wasn’t only flirting with these girls, he was actually telling them that like he was gonna match with them. So he told Britain that he was gonna match with her and then he went match with Mica. He told Holly that he had a better connection with her than he did with Mica. And then went in match with Mica. She said that Kaz basically blindsided everybody and that what we saw on TV was much better than what he was actually doing in the house. Apparently, it was way worse. She wanted to clarify like all, like the sexualness of it all of like how she came off so sexual. She said she never hooked up with cast, that the edit made it seem like they hooked up because Michael says, I bet they’re in there hooking up. And then it shows them like kissing. She’s like, I never hooked up with him. Kaz started all the sexual conversations with her.

She said that she was playing her role and basically trying to get us bought in the house because there was a pact to keep her out of the house, allegedly. So she did admit that she basically used cast to get into the house and that he was not anybody that she would actually see herself dating or someone that she thought was her perfect match. She just needed to get into the house because her and Nigel actually had a pack that in order for them to match, one of them had to be in the house. So she was trying to get in the house to bring Nigel in house. She said she did feel like she was robbed of her experience because apparently cast members had packs to like not let new girls in, not let new guys in so that they could get the most screen time. A few cast members have said this as well. She also said that the night that cast matched with her, he also went to Britain and ask Britain to match, but Britain said no. Apparently, Dom and Britain kissed and hooked up that night, too, because I guess the cast thought that they could just match with anybody and that the person didn’t necessarily have to be in the house. So Dom and Britain had matched, which that tracks.

She said that she did tell Mica what happened with CAS at the Sonote. They just didn’t show it. They also said that the whole table scene setting was set up to where the girls could tell each other what went down. And that’s why Melinda like said it publicly to just like that is because that’s how it was set up. She also said that Michael was there for screen time and that’s why she matched with Izzy, which stuff.

She also said that Kaz is a big actor and the whole accidentally saying the lip part that he did on the last episode was b BS. Because right after that he allegedly kiss somebody else. That’s what she said. She didn’t say who it was, but she said he kiss somebody else. So why would he do that if he lit Michael? And yeah, that’s basically it. That’s basically what she said. But it’s worth a watch. So go to her YouTube channel and watch it. I can’t believe Alora allegedly stayed at Harry’s house. Her and Jessica, friends. I can’t believe Alaris slid in Nigel’s DM. Was she trying to slide? She shows like she goes through the DM. So yaker like pause in and read it. The behind the scenes tea is always so much better than like the real show. And like the real tea, you know, I didn’t even do a video on the last episode because I was like, it was like a waste of time. Like why are we still doing challenges? Why are we still doing boardrooms? Everybody’s met. Like it was literally so dumb. The best part of the whole episode was in the credits where they showed that Harry and just like dated after filming. But apparently Nigel and Christine out of all of them were the perfect match because they actually had a nine month relationship and everybody else didn’t even last a week besides Harry and Jess. I think they lasted like a month. So maybe the right people one after all.