Awkward Encounters and High Fives: Testing a Blind Person’s Sense of Humor

How you doing, buddy?
You’re good? I just.
I’m gonna get acquainted with a few people and then we’ll dive in.
Yeah. You wearing sunglasses and shit?
You’re cool, man.
Yeah. Did the lights bothering you or you’re blind?
Yeah, I wanna make sure
cause I didn’t. The comedy is where I say something,
I make fun of you like
I can’t even see anything.
I’m like, oh fuck,
you are blind.
Well, if you’re blind,
why the fuck did you sit in the front row?
You could have sat in the back.
Would have been the same shit.
Look, a bunch of wusses can’t fucking laugh.
Fuck you! That was funny. He’s laughing.
Give me a high five.
You’re not blind, you fucking liar!
You found my hand, you asshole!
You’re not a fucking liar.
I love you too.
This is how you test a blind person.
You understand? High five! You boo me!