Ultimate Guide to Patching in E-Football: Step-by-Step Tutorial by Sunny

So what’s good? Um,
YouTube, it’s your boy sunny.
Welcome to another video. So I’ve seen a lot of people asking me, sunny,
sunny, sunny, sunny,
how do you manage or how do you do patch in your videos or in your,
in your live streams? How do you manage to patch?
You know, I’m not a bad person.
So I had to make this video
cause I really want to make this video and I wish, uh,
this video help me and I pray this video help me get new followers and,
uh, more people to come support me whenever I go live everyday
starting from today. So,
um, what we gonna do is that you can, okay,
I, I,
I’m gonna say right now I’m using the
e football from Play Store.
So what you have to do,
you have to delete the e football from Play Store,
the one from play. So I’m not gonna delete mine cause I have,
this is my last login.
I log in in my account.
So I don’t want to remove it else I won’t have an account to play with.
So you have to delete it. When you,
when you are done deleting it,
then I’m gonna give you this link.
There’s this link, link to the patch. Uh,
I’m gonna give you this link in my,
in my bio, check my bio.
You gonna see the link when you click on,
you see patch Ciro 7 Manchester United.
Click On it it’s gonna start downloading okay
when it’s done downloading you go to the archive
you guys know this application if you don’t know it
go to your play store go to search and search for archive
and um this is it
download it after you’re done downloading it
then go to the open the app
go to where you downloaded this the patch file
okay um
so let’s say this is the patch 5 for instance
I I didn’t download the patch cause I already have it you you get me
I’m just telling you guys how you get to uh
get to pass the stage first
I thing I told you delete your mini football first
after you’re done deleting
of course you are your account
your account of e football must be linked to Konami ID
you guys know all of that
you know your password
know your email when you’re done deleting your main e football
download the patch the patch link
listen to me
the patch link is in the bio of my TikTok page after that
after you’re done downloading it
I’m using this file for an instance
you see this backflips Zed
I’m using it for an instance
let me say this is the patch file I’ve downloaded you click on it
when you click on it
you’re going to see View Extract here and extract
click on extract here when you click on extract here
it’s going to ask you for A password now if I keep the if I’m gonna
I would like to put the password of the patch in the comments
but I won’t because people said they don’t get to find it
so after you’re doing
after you’re done downloading it and you want to extract it
it’s going to ask for a password
now DM me for the password and I’m going to send it to you
after that you are done the thing
the file is gonna uh finish extracting and after that you install it
log in your account boom
you’re good to go if you don’t understand
DM me and um
just do what I what I’ve asked you to do first before you DM me
but right now do whatever uh
what I’ve asked you to do when you have got gotten to the cold point
let me know and you’re good to go do take care of yourself
enjoy the rest of your day have a sunny junior to the best
take care of yourself bye bye.