Mastering Auditioning in the Modern Era: Tips for Self Tapes and In-Person Castings

get good at auditioning now
I know most of the auditions now are self tapes that used to be in person
and I’m probably not the best person to be giving advice on self taping
as I’ve never really successfully booked a job from one
um however
self tapes have always been a thing for post covid
every audition now is basically a self tape
which forces you to not only figure out the scene in character your own way
but also direct light sound design
and edit the entire thing too
so as I’ve mentioned before
I used to pay someone to help me film in a professional way
but I never booked off of it
so I can’t really say for sure if it matters
but the way I do myself tape is I pre record the other dialogue
and then play it back when I’m reading the scene
so is there a specific way to nail self tapes each time
I don’t know my advice would be maybe send in multiple takes for each scene
to show a little range because with self tapes
unlike auditioning face to face
there is no direct feedback
uh we as actors have no idea what the director
producer casting director want from us
we just kind of guess so maybe presenting some options might help them decide
or see a different version that’s closer to what they had in mind
um and if you’re lucky enough to get uh
in person castings get comfortable
learn how to talk to the casting
learn how to be the role of the actor as not just presenting the scene
but be someone that they want to work with
or they could see themselves working with
that is comfortable takes direction well
um it’s nice to be around
and that kind of adds on to just the actor
because they have to be with you for what
three or four months so beyond doing a good job as actor
they wanna be able to hang out with you and
and know if they can get along or you can work together
that’s another thing is that it’s like yeah
you can be a good actor but you might be horrible to work with
so you have to get comfortable in the room and make them comfortable and
you know show off that you’re not just a talented actor
but you can work with what they want