Closing the Gap: Improving Your Defensive Strategy in FPS Games

You need to learn how to identify the gap in your defense.
Now, what do I mean by that?
Now, you can do this on attack as well.
Before defense. The gap is gonna be a spot where there is not utility
or there is not somebody playing.
That is a gap that the attackers can then take,
then take control of the map to,
you know, help win the round.
So, for example,
let’s say we are on defense,
and I have a prox alarm on this window.
I have somebody playing in Raptors.
I have somebody holding down cash room.
I have a proxy above the cash room door,
and I have someone playing in con, right?
Where would the gap be? The gap would simply be on the stairs,
not just because we have nobody playing there,
but because we have no utility there.
So this would mean disable the attackers to just walk up here freely
without anybody noticing or anybody contesting them.
And this happens more than you think.
There’ll be times somebody will get a call out,
oh, somebody’s in con,
and like, three people will rotate to that one area,
creating a gap for the attacker to take.
They can fix that gap by simply using utility
such as Melusi’s, such as Prox alarms.
Those will close the gap. Because what does that do?
That means that if someone does go in that area,
it will then let the whole team know.
And You wanna always be mindful to these gaps that will open up
in your defense.
And that is when it allows the attackers to take that gap.
And it happens every single round.
It happens in pro league, it happens in your games.
My games. A gap can open up simply by me playing red stairs,
the guy killing me, and now my teammates in Raptors,
my teammates in con. This whole area is a gap.
It is clear to take now cause he killed me, right?
So gaps are going to open up and they’re gonna close,
and the way that you want to deal with them is utility
and putting a body on that area.
So even simply like playing top rod like this,
this is good. We’ve closed the gap.
Let’s say we remove this guy from Khan and there’s no beeper there.
Then the gap would be Khan.
We have nobody contesting in here.
We have no utility here. We have no barbed wire.
We have no melusi, uh,
lesion mines. Any type of utility can be used to kind of close this gap.
And you just want to be more mindful of it when you’re playing
each round. Just always look for the gap in your defense.
Whenever you go into a game,
always think, where could the attackers push freely right now?
Where could they push easy right now?
And doesn’t always mean you have to rotate to it,
but just be mindful of It.
And pay attention and always check up on that area.
Hopefully this does help though.
Send this to a friend who does not understand this at all.
But I’ll see y’all. Much love. Peace.