Mastering Recoil Control: A Guide to Dominating the F2 in Rainbow Six Siege

How to get the best recoil control with the F2.
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But let’s get into this now.
The FTWO’S recoil is not that hard.
But out of every single weapon in the game,
this should be on the harder scale.
But it’s not hard. Let me show you how to do it.
Starting off with the attachments.
Very simple. Look at the recoil pattern.
This is something very important.
You’re gonna notice it is literally not going to the left,
only a very little bit. Is it horizontal to the left?
It is like 90% just pulling down.
So what does that mean? If you want the best recoil control,
I would use the flash hider on this.
Now if you also want even better recoil control,
I would use the red dot C
or really any one time scope.
I just use the red dot C.
But you will notice a kick if you’re using an ACOG.
It’s not actually an increase,
but it feels way easier with a 1 times.
Once you get used to the recoil.
Go ahead, throw on the extended.
Throw on the suppressor. But for best recoil,
flash hider, red dot.
See laser. Let me show you.
So if I let this thing just go. Look,
it goes up horizontal a very little bit.
And it takes a good amount of bullets to go up.
So we’re really just
Gonna be focusing on pulling down on our analog stick.
That’s it. And.
And a very little bit to the left.
Very little bit to the left.
We’re gonna pull. For example.
Look at this. Not bad.
Now, what you’re gonna do is
you’re gonna keep doing this over and over again
until you feel, you know,
good on this. Now,
one tip for you. Go into the options,
go into the shooting range and do this,
or just do a free for all.
But what you’re gonna do with this is
you’re going to start and focus on the close distance, okay?
You wanna focus on first near,
then medium, then far.
So start off on your recoil close up.
So you wanna focus on. See how your recoil feels like this.
And just go off of this. Keep doing this.
Now, once you get this recoil pattern down
and you feel that your aim is good enough,
just change it to medium, right?
And then change it to far.
And you just wanna practice your shooting it.
There’s no recoil control right now.
And then obviously, once you shoot it for too long,
it does recoil cap. But that’s not recoil cap.
There’s no recoil cap there.
That is complete recoil control.
It all just comes down to practice.
You can literally laser this thing.
Like, look at this.
It’s not hard at all to do.
It just comes down to practicing in the shooting range,
sticking to One sensitivity and just grinding it out.
If you’re changing your sense a lot,
it’s gonna mess up your recoil patterns as well.
And that can go with literally anywhere.