How to Speed Up Nail Gel Removal with a Large Coarse Drill: Beginner Tips and Recommendations

Hi, everyone.
Welcome to the fastest e filing you’ll ever see.
Just kidding. I’m actually a beginner,
and I’m pretty slow,
but I’m gonna walk you through how I’ve become a little faster
at e filing. I use a large coarse drill,
and this drill scares the fuck out of me. But.
But this drill has helped me so much.
And speeding up the process of removing the gel.
And I highly recommend getting a large coarse drill, uh,
protective tip if you can.
I didn’t know anything about protective tips when I bought this drill,
so, um,
make sure you get a protective tip.
Um, this will help so that you don’t accidentally cut your cuticles
or your skin around your nails.
Um, I did have to get used to using a faster speed,
because at first I was using like 5 to 10 rpms,
and now I’m using 25 to 30,
and I can tell you that it had.
It has helped so much. Um,
you also should get a fine drill bit for the edges.
Um, I use this drill bit around my cuticles as well.
I got this drill bit from Amazon,
and I absolutely love it.
Tell me what you think if you do try it.