Navigating Life in Australia: Tips and Tricks for Irish Expats

If you’re Irish and plan on moving to Australia this year
or have moved to Australia this year,
then listen up because here’s a few things you need to know.
Firstly, if you worked in Ireland this year,
the Irish government owe you money.
I got so many Irish people in Australia money back last year
and got a few grand back myself.
All you need to do is log on to my revenue
and click claim on employment repayments 2024.
I claimed this back three times last year and got money every time.
If you want me to make a video on how to do this
then just say in the comments and I’ll get that up soon.
Secondly, living abroad,
you’re gonna need a good phone plan.
Me and the girls went with Circles Life and we find them so good.
You get 100 gigabytes of data for $35 a month,
which is ideal for Facetime and family watching Netflix,
scrolling through TikTok.
And they also give you free calls and text within Australia.
If you’re thinking of going to circus life,
you can use code Jamie ten to get $10 off for your first six months.
Thirdly, you’re gonna have to get set up with the Australian Tax Office,
so if you Google apply for T F N
you can fill out the application.
I also recommend anyone coming over here
to get an Australian identity card,
so you can get this by going to services New South Wales
if you’re in Sydney
or getting it by going to services whatever region you’re in.
And this is basically a form of ID that’s widely recognised over here
and means you don’t have to carry around your passport.
And you can also download an app so you can have this I.
D. On your phone as well
which is super handy. Lastly,
since moving over here,
I’ve got the opportunity to collaborate with a lot of Australian
companies to save you guys some money.
So you can use code Jamie with Cheap Ass Travel
which is an Australian travel company.
I’ve used them for all my travels over here.
They’re A1 so that will save you money on all your Australian travels.
If you want to go to Ulluru,
if you want to do the east coast of Australia,
if you want to rent a campervan,
the code is valid for all of that.
You can also use code Jamie nine on dental
90 nine which is a budget dentist over here.
It’s $99 for a clean and a check up
which is equivalent of like 60 euro.
And Jamie nine will give you $9 off so it will make it ninety.
You can also use code Jamie with Chase Ireland or Sydney
Kayak experience. If you find this useful,
drop a like, drop a follow,
share to a friend, and if you want me to make any other videos
just let me know in the comments.