The Unforeseen Battle: A True Story of Cellulitis Infection

Just a form creature is me.
And I’m gonna explain what happened
for those that think this is Photoshop.
It’s not. So originally,
this just started off as I thought it was a little infection.
I went to urgent care, they said it was an abscess.
They gave me antibiotics. I did my thing.
I think that was on a Wednesday.
So I took the antibiotics.
I had a pro grappling match on Saturday,
and I didn’t want to pull out,
so I competed with it. Yes,
it still hurt. Fast forward to later that night.
It started to get red and it was getting more painful.
So I was like, you know what?
Maybe I should stop on the way home,
get the drained. Here I am in the hospital.
So while I’m at the hospital,
the doctor says me, you want to drain it?
I was like, I don’t.
I don’t know, I guess.
And he was like, what?
Do you want to use a scalpel
or do you want to use a syringe?
I was like, I’m not a doctor, bro.
Shouldn’t you tell me that?
And he was like, alright, we’ll.
We’ll try the syringe. Put lidocaine in.
My face hurt so bad. He was just trying to squeeze.
I mean, he’s trying to pull stuff out with the syringe.
Nothing was coming out. Then this. Like,
you know what? Let’s try the scalpel.
He cuts my face open
and then starts using his knuckles to Try to squeeze it out.
Nothing was coming out besides squeals for me
cause I was in so much pain
and I could feel my face swelling as he did it.
And the just said, yep,
alright, it’s gonna start draining now that it’s open.
So just take some ibuprofen and aspirin and go home
and it should drain. Spoiler alert,
it didn’t drain. Here I am.
You can tell how pale I am because I’m in so much pain right now.
My face is throbbing and this thing is getting bigger,
literally by the minute. I try my best to sleep all night,
but it really wasn’t working.
It was just getting bigger and it.
I was in so much pain, it was hot.
Then I woke up looking like this
in so much pain. I look like.
Like this. I mean,
it’s funny now because I’m right,
but jeez, I.
I look crazy. I woke up 45 to an hour later like this.
Like, alright,
DEF Con 4, whatever.
We’re, we’re,
we’re in trouble here. And then a short bit later,
we’re here.
Now I’m fully panicking because it was so swollen inside my mouth,
I couldn’t close it because it was past my teeth
and it was swelling into my eye
and my throat was getting a little swollen,
so I was nervous. So I was like,
I’m going back to the hospital.
And the nurses like, wait,
so you were here last night?
And they sent You home? And I was like, yeah.
And they’re like, they didn’t do any scans or nothing.
They just told you an abscess and try to drain it.
And I was like, that’s what they did.
So they gave me, like,
morphine and they started get hit me with, like,
I think, IV antibiotics or whatever.
But they did scans, and it turns out it was never an abscess.
It was full blown cellulitis in my face.