Tasting Butterbeer: Melanie’s Quest for the Ultimate Brew

Welcome to Melanie tries new food and drinks
and drinks. I was gonna say that.
Okay, haha.
So this is Butterbeer that we got from FYE, right? Yep.
It’s. It’s really pretty.
I don’t know if you’ll be able to see it.
It doesn’t really show in here.
It almost like. It has, like,
shimmery wisps. Yeah.
It’s kind of cool. Yeah.
It smells good.
How is it? It’s pretty good.
It’s not, like, fantastic, though.
What I really want is more Butterbeer from Universal Studios,
cause that is like, literally the best thing I’ve ever drank in my life.
Yeah, that’s not nearly as good as no Universal Studios,
but I feel like it’s better than other butter beers that I’ve had.
Yeah. Where have we had Butterbeer from?
I know we’ve had other Butterbeers and I didn’t like them as much.
Harry Potter experience of Chicago. Hmm.
That’s. We have a bottle from that over.
That one’s better than that,
I think. Yeah,
I feel like that’s the best, like,
bottled one that I’ve had.
So FYE has, like,
decent Butterbeer, but like,
if you’re looking for, like,
Universal Studios Butterbeer,
it doesn’t compare. Nope. Mine