Delicious Cookie Dough Cheesecake Protein Fluff Recipe

Cookie dough, cheesecake,
protein fluff. Let’s make it.
Grab a bowl. Got my bowl,
I got a cookie dough shake.
I’m doing the entire thing.
If you do not want to add the sugar free Cool Whip to this
and you just want to do the cookie dough and the cheesecake,
do that and you got protein pudding.
Now the whole thing of this,
this is the small one, not the big one.
The big one starts eight, this one starts four.
Sugar free jello, cheesecake,
pudding mix, instant.
That’s important. It’s got to be instant.
If you don’t get instant, it is never gonna set.
I don’t care what you do. That’s in the bowl.
We’re gonna whisk and it’s gonna take a little bit.
So another way you can do this,
if you don’t have a pre made shake and you got powder,
do the powder, do the pudding mix
and do the Cool whip is done.
She is super, super thick.
Hmm. And she’s good just like that.
I want mine to be a little bit creamier,
so I’m gonna do about that much.
Then you’re just gonna take your spatula and you’re gonna fold it in.
You’re not gonna stir it. That lets all the air out.
You’re gonna deflate this fluff, OK?
You’re just gonna keep folding it on top of itself
until you have a light, airy, fluffy protein fluff.
You want the entire bowl. Haha.
Hmm. It definitely satisfies your sweet craving,
this Is the best thing I’ve made in a long time.
Cookie dough, cheesecake,
protein fluff. You gotta make that.