Mastering the Art of Persuasion: Seven Fundamental Laws to Write Compelling Copy Every Time

If you’re finding it hard to sell your offers,
it’s not you or your product,
it’s your wording.
Here are seven fundamental laws to write amazing copy every time.
Know your audience. The power of your copy is measured by your readers.
Target emotions. People buy an emotion.
Then justify with logic. Tell stories.
Don’t tell readers what your product does.
Show them with stories. Clarity is king.
Use the Hemingway app. Write at a fourth grader level.
Cut out everything that doesn’t make sense.
Use social proof. The easiest story to tell is someone else’s.
Use testimonials, case studies,
endorsements. Show how your product changed someone else’s life.
Use urgency, deadlines,
limited offers, and bonuses.
Everyone procrastinates unless you push them to take action.
Test and optimize. Experimentation beats perfection.
Test multiple versions. Go head to head with yourself.
Learn through trial and error.