An Unexpected Emergency: Mom’s Journey to New York Surgery

so my mom flew to New York to visit me
and on her way here she had an active appendicitis on the plane
and so when we got here we had to go to the emergency room
basically she’s in surgery to um
get her appendix removed but while she was in the emergency room
I said hey
how about I bring you your headphones
or so it can like
block out the noise like
so you don’t have to hear everything that’s going on in here
and she just goes oh I don’t use headphones
it’s like you don’t use headphones
I was like you just actively listening to the world around you also
you flew here and you were having an active appendicitis on the plane
what did you listen to and she goes
I just did a little work on my laptop
how do you
how do you get your brain to be that mentally okay with the world you hear
I think moms are the strongest people in the entire world too