Life Updates: Microwave Mishaps, Cosmo’s Health, and Dino-Themed Live Sale Plans

Hey, guys. So I’m currently at the store. I’m about to go get a new microwave because our microwave decided to try to have a light opening storm in our house last night. That was fun. So I’m getting a new microwave. A few things besides that. Cosmo update.

I forgot to write down the word they think it is. So, okay, I know I’m going to say this wrong. They already work. I forgot the word. Foliasus.

It is an autoimmune disease of the skin and its it, it, yeah, it’s, I don’t know what to say about it cuz I don’t really, I don’t know much else other than that at the moment. I haven’t been able to speak directly with his vet as of yet, but she did say that I keep missing our calls. So she left me a voicemail saying that she did talk to the dermatologist and that they told her what we’re doing is enough and I disagree. So I sent them some pictures last night of what he looks like right now and like a description of like what he’s been acting like, his symptoms, whatever. So I personally I don’t know how to determine if he’s doing better.

I don’t think he’s doing better. His behavior is better, but I think that might just be because I’m not strangle holding him and like taking him out of the house every day. So that might just be because he’s like, finally I don’t have to hide from you. So I don’t know. Next problem is he stopped eating his food with the medicine in it last night.

So he’s now missed two doses. He refused to eat it again this morning. And I’m on the struggle bus because 1, that means I’m running out of medicine.

2, that means I have to start probably giving it to him with the syringe again, which is going to cause him to start hiding for me. So anyway, that’s kind of where that is. I do have updated pictures of him. I really, truly don’t think anyone wants to see what he looks like right now. It’s, it brings me to tears.

Like he looks really bad. So anyway, that’s Cosmo. I hope I’m not forgetting anything with that. I honestly can’t remember. Yep, can’t remember. I should wrote stuff down. I don’t know why I did this on a whim. Okay, other thing, live sale.

So our next live sale I’m planning to do on the 7th, which is Lindy’s birthday, and the 8th, which is Becca’s birthday. So we’re gonna have more birthdays. I know last month was just a month full of birthdays too. We did three different birthdays, including mine. So we’re gonna do birthdays again.

It’s also Cathy’s anniversary on the 8th, if I read that correctly in the comments. If I’m wrong, ignore that, but I’m pretty sure that’s what I read. So anyway, it’s just gonna be a little bit of a Celebration with dino theme, fossil stuff. I don’t know words. I really didn’t think this through.

So that’s that. My next thing is, what time do you guys want me to do these lives?

I know I’m usually kind of all over the place at this point. The 7th is a Sunday and the 8th is a Monday. I know a Monday is not at all ever what I normally do, but because it’s Beck’s birthday and Becca has been so kind and generous to pretty much all of us. Let’s be real, we’re gonna do it on a day, on Monday. So you guys let me know if my normal timing works on Sunday.

We could probably start earlier. But I know sometimes Sundays are really like quiet and it gets a little weird. So y’all let me know what time on Sunday and Monday we can do our normal, like, you know, later in the evening, like 6 or 7 p. M. Till whenever we decide we’re done, you guys let me know.

Hopefully y’all are gonna watch this whole video through. I know my videos are annoying and long and boring and whatever, but I’ll know if you don’t watch it, cuz then you won’t know anything I’m asking. So you guys let me know what you’re thinking for timing. Maybe I should just ask Lindsey and Becca, I don’t know, y’all chime in here. It’s kind of for y’all.

So I’m starting to get all my boxes in. I have a lot of stuff. I have a lot. And you know, I’m dumb. And I got even more. I know why am I like this? I don’t even know.

So basically, we’re gonna have a lot of things to look at, especially on both days if my other boxes don’t get here till closer to that weekend, we might have new things for Monday. So anyway, you guys let me know what you’re thinking. And I think that’s all I got. I’m gonna get myself a microwave now. Life has been hard, you guys.

I’m also trying to like do more for myself. I’ve been incredibly stressed out. So I went swimming like all weekend. I posted a little story about that. Tonight I’m going to trivia for the first time and over a month.

Haven’t gone to trivia in a long time, probably in almost two months. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone. So I’m gonna do that. And yeah, the rest of the time I have until those live sales, I’ll probably be unboxing and pricing things and getting everything ready for the live sales. So yeah, again, let me know what you guys are thinking for timing and I’ll see you guys soon. An update annoyingly accordingly. Bye guys.