Mastering Nature Photography: Capturing the Beauty of the Great Gray Owl with Isaac Spots

Have you ever been to a spot that just took your breath away,
and then you take a photo
and realize that it didn’t convey any of those feelings?
Welcome to Mastering Nature Photography.
My goal for this is to teach you what you need to know
to get out and create beautiful images,
but in a way that’s accessible for everyone.
We’ve just found one of my all time favorite subjects,
which is the Great Gray Owl.
The first couple lessons, I’ll be providing a foundation.
Then I’m gonna take you through a series of lessons
that breaks down my thought process behind a photograph.
After each lesson, we’re gonna be taking a field trip
into the wilds of Yellowstone National Park,
where you get to see firsthand how I put these concepts to practice.
I’m gonna teach you what I’ve Learned about social media
and how to get your work seen.
We even have some bonus lessons on editing and taking sharper images.
Photography is my absolute passion,
but it’s more than that. It’s a lifestyle.
It’s a. A way of seeing the world and being more present.
My name is Isaac Spots, and I’m gonna be your teacher.