The Principle of Respect: Navigating Complex Family Dynamics and Personal Boundaries

Nancy, I respect your opinion and whatnot by honesty. Don’t give a who guy could ascent, would ascent or should ascent for anybody. That’s not the point of my video. The point is just simple respect. That’s it. Like, what the ? Okay, maybe you didn’t care about your dad as much as I cared about my mom, but I did care about my mom. I loved my mom. So maybe another man coming around, you didn’t give a . Maybe you didn’t really care about your dad. But I cared about my love, my mommy feeling. She just died last year, literally one year ago, like March 18th, literally her one year death anniversary.

Just, hey, excuse me, y’all not understanding, though. It’s the principle, it’s the respect. Like, who cares that this man has moved on? Who gives a ? Who God could have, should’ve, would have sent. That’s not the point. The point is just simple respect. I have already told my stepdad over and over that I don’t. I, he knows that I don’t like that . Like, he knows that, bro, this is nothing new. And I’m finally just really going the out on social media anyway. I already went off in private, like, but now I’m just vent to social media. But y’all coming with these , I don’t want opinions, they don’t even make sense cuz nowhere in my video did I say, no, my dad cannot move on. He can’t do this? No. All I said was, am I wrong for filling a certain way? That’s it. The . I can feel how I want to feel. And like I said, I was rested to him already, literally. The other thing, I would have just up and went to his brother’s funeral just for the he hot of it. What the ? No.

I don’t care. His brother died. You right I don’t care. I don’t give a . But I was just going for support. We were just there a year ago. Sit in front row burying my mama.

And now you hear a year later with the whole new beach, like, yo. So I was just going for support, literally. My brother went to, my oldest brother went to like, felt like we literally just trying to, you know, just keep a good relationship. But now, yeah, I’m good. Oh .

But yeah, that’s really the principle. Like y’all are missing the whole principle of the video.

Y’all over here just saying dumb that I really don’t even give a about real like. But I just wanted to say that to you, dancy, because like I said, I don’t care who guys sent for him.

I’m happy that guy sent somebody cuz, hell, he could have went over the edge at the losing my mom was. But it’s not the point of the video, though. Like just that simple. Don’t have me around the beach when I’ve already expressed you I don’t with this .

Like, and you still, but yeah, he just want me to accept. He wants me to accept the real fight. He just want me to be cool with it. But I’m not like my siblings can be cool with it, like I said, but I’m not, bro. So yeah, your needle, y’all need to start listening before y’all respond to something.

No, I don’t know, but just don’t have me around this . And that’s just it. And trust me, like me and my side, that we don’t like, we don’t have to. Cuz I mean, really, my mom bought us together and now my mom is gone. So it’s not like, but he has been in my life since I was 4. He has, you know, been a father figure in my life.

But for you, I mean, you don’t move on now. So like, what is left here? Nothing is left here, bro. Like, I’m 26, Borla. I mean, kids always need their parents. But , I ain’t got no parents, bro. Like, I don’t like you taking her kids if she have any.

But he already said her kid is old as hell. So, but it’s just like, what’s left here, bro? Like what? What, bro? What? Nothing is left of this relationship. My mom has ended the relationship for me anyway. I don’t know about my siblings.

I can’t speak for my siblings, but myself personally Bridges Valaya and nothing else here, bro. Like, and I do hate to feel like that because like I said, he’s been in my life for so long. Like, but I just, I just, certainly I just can’t with that. But I really can’t. And maybe I can, but I, I just came and I know my mama is probably so disappointed, like so disappointed.

I cuz like I told on live, which I’m not gonna repeat, like, cuz live is live, but here is like up here. But anyway, like she wanted to make sure I would be okay and before she passed and stuff and you know, she confided in my stuff that like, right. Will you make sure Megan is, you know, straight? Whatever. I try to tell my mom I like mom, but whatever brush she.

But anyway, so yeah, I hate that our relationship may come to an end, but it is what it is. So I don’t accept that . And you content what you’re doing, so that’s fine. Like, hey, be content, be you film, but I’m just good. I don’t have to, you know, be a part of this anymore. Been a part of it for 22 years, but now I don’t have to . But yeah.