Turkey Tenderloins with Mushroom and Spinach Gravy: A Cost-Effective and Healthy Dinner Recipe

All right, I went to food line.
I got these Turkey tender loins.
This is a cost effective and healthy dinner.
This may be ass, it may be great.
Oh, god.
Dart. No bake.
I guess if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Always get food that has directions.
Ooh, that’s grossing me out.
I don’t know what those juices are.
This. This is not going good.
Literally just gonna do garlic powder, lemon and pepper.
I don’t really know what time is.
I don’t know what coming is either.
Shit. Looks pretty good so far.
Cream of mushroom soup. I’ll probably put some water in it.
Now we’re getting somewhere.
I really hope she likes this. Some cabbage.
Baked sweet potatoes. Open that one up.
Put your blob of butter in there.
Got a little excited. I forgot to press record.
So this is our supper. Baked sweet potato,
brown rice, Turkey tenderloin,
mushroom, and spinach gravy.
Y’all be good. It’s the little things that matter in life.
And you’ll thank me later.