Navigating the Age of AI: Collective Intelligence and Human Interactions

I’m starting to figure it out.
It’s Kyle Shannon with the AI Learning Lab.
There’s a very loud bird near me, too.
Here’s what I’m starting to figure out.
I wrote an article with Kevin Clark a couple of months back called
rise of the Agile Human,
and then a companion piece called rise of the Agile Organization.
Both of those pieces are going to be put into a book
that we’re writing right now
called Collective Intelligence in the age of AI.
I don’t know what the fuck’s going on with my hair,
but it’s not collective intelligence.
It’s whatever is not that. Um,
I think.
I think where I’m going to shift my focus in the conversation
is to talk about
how we interact with AI rather than what interact a what
AI we interact with. I think that’s the secret.
I think that’s it. Who are we being?
Are we being curious? Are we being adventurous?
Are we being playful?
Are we being fearless? Brave
like that bird that won’t shut the fuck up.
But I think that’s it. I don’t know what that looks like,
but come to my live tonight.
I’ll be live at 8 p m. Mountain tonight, Friday.
And yeah,
we’ll have some fun. We’ll start talking about some of this stuff
and see if we can’t find a path forward.
All right? Peace.