Encouraging Student Participation: The Importance of Speaking Up in the Classroom

I told my students how important it was to make sure you speak up
when you’re discussing in my classroom
this is how I did it when you’re talking in Mr Salazar’s classroom
**inaudible whispering**
and of course that means some students were like
**whisering**”Can you hear him?”
some were like uh
some were really trying to listen like
and then some were figuring it out they were like
and then of course somebody was like uh
we can’t hear you bro
I was like exactly
when you’re in my class you’re gonna make sure you speak up
speak loudly and proudly and I’m not gonna expect everybody to be just as loud
if you’re a reserved person
if you’re quiet if this is how you are normally
maybe this is you speaking louder
and that’s fine but if I go in the cafeteria and hang out with you guys
and I hear you in the hallway
ha ha ha ha
yeah ha ha
I better not see you in my classroom like
hey Mr. Salazar
I think the answer is b because
it’s a balance
trust me I’m not gonna lie to you and say everybody was with me
some were rolling their eyes
some were staring at me like this
like some were with me
some were not and it’s fine
it’s just day two we get better every day