Return of the Ninja: A Father’s Journey on the Ninja Warrior Course

Skyler may not know it,
but her dad was an elite ninja before he took time away.
Now making a comeback at 33 years old.
A lot has changed in the last five seasons.
He was 27 the last time he competed on Ninja Warrior.
Well, he is an absolute beast.
Made it to Vegas all three seasons he competed before his hiatus.
And last time we saw, he went to stage 3.
But now, because he’s a dad,
because he’s a coach. Only trains once a week.
But up bar. There’s no rust on this man.
I can’t believe how fast he’s going.
He didn’t slow down at all going into Jumping Spider.
Well, it’s the Ark Reactor in his chest.
Let’s see how he handles the gambler.
And that. I know that being a father for
it can be hard to get yourself in the gym,
but you know what? He’s going off of muscle memory, too.
He’s got the skills. 6 feet,
1 75. On the bigger side for a ninja,
but he is looking great. Just amazing to think this guy,
for the past five seasons has just been coaching.
He’s got that extra motivation
knowing that Skyler is watching.
He wants to show off for his daughter.
Okay. And afar.
This is as fast as we’ve seen anyone get to this point.
Gonna get that dismount.
Nice. You better activate. Nice.
Activate the core. Nice.
Got it. Plenty of time left.
He’s sprinted through the Course,
so far, but that’s catching up to him,
Aquaman. You can see he’s slowing down a little bit.
You got it? You good?
Skyler’s back there. She’s watching.
Go, go!
He’s looking. He said,
make sure she can see what daddy’s doing.
I know. Just want to make sure he doesn’t run out of time.
As we have seen it, Aquar,
it’s very easy to get hung up right here on thread the needle,
Matt. For Ninja that’s barely training once a week,
he’s looking really good. This is a dedicated father.
While the three seasons he competed,
he just blew us away. Incredible talent.
Nice. He’s got the high grip.
Nice get up and over. Oh,
you can see getting that cane off the hook is a challenge.
Oh, no.
He’s gonna have to go up. If he does a couple more up and over.
Oh! Oh!
Oh, my goodness!
You see? And that came is nice.
Oh, my goodness.
Great recovery. For a lot of ninjas,
they would have peeled off.
Can his grip hang on, though?
I would if I’m him. I’m gonna get to the Colgate.
That right now. Oh, my.
He’s not gonna be high up
or it’s gonna be a long climb. Oh!