Vocal Range Exploration: Testing Out Different Characters and Voices

See, my sister get comments like this and all of our videos all the time. I’m sister. And today I thought it would be fun to test out our vocal range.

We talk in the back of our throat, which why people don’t like the sound of our voice. And today we’re gonna show you our range. So we used to be ops tubers and we had an Ops series where we had to play multiple different characters. Sure. So I’m gonna do some of their voices because they take me out of my range, right?

Well, actually, first, this is how me, my sister usually talk to each other. So yeah, so what do you want for dinner? I don’t really know, but I’m not really feeling anything. No. We talk like kind of low in the backward throat.

So our mom hates when we talk to each other because she’s like, I can’t understand what you’re saying and you’re mumbling. Yeah, like this. Yeah, this is my Youtuber voice. I’m being presented. I’m presenting right now, but I usually just talk like this. And this is my Youtuber voice.

Usually I don’t talk like this. I kind of talk like this most days, like more kind of back here. This is nioma from my Ops YouTube series. And she is higher up in my voice. So let me like, try to give me a line. How do I get out of you?

How do I get out of here? She’s like, really panics all the time and hide. So she’s like, oh my God, I forgot my mask over my dog. Actually. Oh, oh my God, I forgot my math at work. But we can also go lower here. Yeah, here’s Dylan here.

He’s a guy. Yeah, voice is lower. Since I have a low voice, I could do guy. Diverse is more easily. So give me a light, isn’t it? You can’t have a cookie. I’m saving those for the customers. You can’t have a cookie.

I’m saving those for the customers. It’s like still deep. It kind of sounds like you’re actually, yes, but like a little bit lower, but like not that crazy. I think I can go lower. Let me pretend I’m playing this dad character. Who’s a dad, alright? Right? Like son, you can’t go outside today, okay?

The mosque are going to kill you. The mosque, they’re gonna kill you. Sorry, the highest I can go is probably up here. Yeah, I can’t really go. And I can go like this low like this, but I’m pretty heavy. How’s your day going? Taste? My voice starts cracking.

No, but my favorite voice. You do? Cheyenne. Okay. Cheyenne is the funniest voice because she emphasizes my rasp, my ma, my raspiness. She’s creepy sounding. I, she’s like light but raspy. She’s kind of hard to do.

So I’m gonna have to do this a few times. Dylan, you can’t talk to her. Dylan, that sounds good. It’s like Valley Girl, but it’s like without the. Yeah, okay. I can only do it certain times, man. That tree is really green. I also, I play this mom character.

She’s kind of like, by the tone, depressed. She talks like this, like literally, Noma, get downstairs. No, that’s too much passion. But this is not her. Neoma, get downstairs. Your coffee is ready. Your dad wants you downstairs. This girl is her sister, nioma.

Sister. They look alike. Naomi. She talks. She’s like a higher version of my own voice and she’s similar to her to where she talks kind of like quickly and passionately, but she’s not less intense. Did you forget your math homework again?

Basically, I’m taking the raspiness out of my voice when I do her voice. And then there’s this baby character like that tiny, she’s tiny. We kind of both all resonated between doing her voice, but just a really high pitch kind of like toddler voice. So like, let me think of a line now. My ran out of pudding.

That is the way I got another. We got the purpose of reason. Mom said I can have the DS next, like really high. You do it better than me. Neoma, can you play with me? You gotta get like a voice crack in there, too. Mom said it’s my turn.

Mom said Dinner’s ready. Yours is very better. Jack and Russell. The Jack Russell twins. They’re both boys, but they’re kind of the same as Dylan, where I just do a low voice. Dad doesn’t come home till 6. So you know what that means? What?

We can go get ice cream. It’s like my voice, but like a little lower. I didn’t do the dad character. Oh, yeah, he’s kind of awesome. Speaks pretty passionately. Did you know there’s five pedophiles in our neighborhood? Like, yeah, he’s a police officer. How he does that?

This is a really weird way to test. Basically, I think I could do other voices in that. Oh my God. Jason, you mean B. Jason, the slot? Me, Jason. I haven’t heard about him, girl. I haven’t talked to Jason.

I’m like, really? Oh, yeah, I was doing that laugh. I don’t know. You might see how low I can go. Michael, go to the bathroom right now. Go to the bathroom right now. I’m taking you out of Disneyland. And that’s not that deep.

See my voice is like lobe. It’s not deep. Like I can’t go that deep. Let me sign off this video and all different characters. Guys, thanks for watching. But like, I really gotta go. Thanks for watching or whatever. I really gotta go.

Like my dad’s gonna yell at me. Thanks for watching, I guess. Like I have stuff to do. My monster and my little wife, you YouTube. She’s not allowed to watch YouTube. Don’t lie. To watch YouTube. Do you know there’s five pedophies all time?

It’s probably more 81,5,000? Yeah, 500,000 actually. Still clear those ready?