Bailing Out My Love: A Comedy of Court Dates and Kisses

Oh, baby,
I knew you was gonna bail me out.
I knew. You see?
That’s my girl right there.
That’s my girl right A dot.
Hi. I’m here to bail out that man right there.
Okay, just fill out this paperwork here. Okay,
what is this saying? Pretty much
you’re signing and saying if you bail him out
and he doesn’t show up for his court date,
we can arrest you. Oh,
my god. A hand cramp.
A hand cramp in the hand that I write with is happening right now.
What did you say? If you don’t show,
we come to your dough. Pew, pew. Babe,
come on. Don’t look at me like that.
You know I’m good for it. I’ll never do you like that.
Babe, when was the last time you showed up to a dentist appointment?
It’ll be six years ago Friday.
But it’s because, you know
I believe in more holistic dentistry.
Is that why she don’t kiss me no more? I’ll kiss you.
We can play cops and robbers.