Delicious Surf and Turf Feast: Lobster, Steak, and Brussel Sprouts Recipe Adventure at Walmart

All right, I’m on the way to Walmart. We’re gonna do a steak, seafood, surf, interpreting you right now. There’s gonna be delicious. I found the booth. I see a Tomahawk gone. $35. Hold on. Here we go.

Now we’re talking. We got the turf. Now we need the surf. I think that’s how that works. We could get some crab legs over here. Oh, my gosh, bro. Imagine I buy this whole. This is Sam and.

Oh, hold on, lobsters for 10 bucks. Okay. Yeah, I’m gonna freaking eat good tonight. Alright, I’m gonna grab a couple more items. I’ll see you at the house. Alright, here’s all of our ingredients. All this comes out to be about $35. We got two lobster, we got a beautiful flaming yarn, and we got some freaking Brussels sprout.

I think I’m gonna start off with the Brussels sprouts and then we’ll get into the lobster and in the steak. Let’s go pan. Hi, heat, chop up your bacon. Boom. It’s about half a pack of bacon. Might be a little too hot. We ain’t walking around. Let’s clean off the Brussel sprouts.

So brussel sprouts are easy. You just want to go ahead and peel the outer layer off, check them. See how that one’s dark, that one’s no. Just peel the outer layer off just like this. And then, boom, beautiful Brussels sprout. Don’t forget about the bacon. Oh, boys. All right.

Once your bacon is perfectly caramelized, we’ll take it and put it on a napkin. All right. We’ll set that aside cuz we’re gonna use that for the brussel sprouts. Let’s work on the lobster. We’ll add some unsalted butter. Go a little bit of olive oil, raise that heat up.

We’ll go ahead and let that buttermelt grab the lobster. It’s no fun. Alright, so we’re gonna grab this lobster and I think what we have to do is go to like the top and then we’ll just cut it down the middle, flip it over and do the same thing. Then I think we just do this. But you gotta break the meat out and boom, there we have it.

Now we just need to do the other one. Alright, buttered, melted. Let’s add some crawl fish boil for baby. I’m gonna have a little bit more. Why not?

Then I’m gonna go in with some Old Bay, pretty hefty amount. I like Old Bay. Then I’m gonna add a little bit of this stuff just cuz I found it in my cabinet. Then we’re gonna go a nice spoonful of minced garlic, stir that around. There we go. Feels so freaking good too.

I’m gonna move that over here. We’ll keep some heat on that pan just a little bit. But get this pan ready for the steak. Start off with a little bit of oil. We’re gonna let that heat up and we’ll go ahead and work on the Brussel sprouts. We just wanna rinse them off.

Then we just wanna finally chop these up and then we’ll throw that bit away. All right, we got those finally chopped up. I’m gonna reheat up my baking grease. And yes, don’t worry, I use my backup baking grease. Cuz I did kind of burn the other grease just a little. I’m gonna go salt on the steak, just a little.

Go some garlic powder, some black pepper, Pat that in, flip it over and repeat. That is a nice piece of meat, dude. We’ll add our steak, then we’ll add our brussel sprouts. We’re gonna give this a nice mix. We got a little bit of salt, a little bit of pepper.

Let’s go ahead and add our lobster. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Let’s go ahead and flip the state. Beautiful color.

Grab some butter, plop that on there, throw some seasoning on top of our lobster. Then we’ll cover it up. Half a cup of water, chicken bouillon. Go and stir that up. We’ll add that in. Flip that around again. Oh, baby. I’ll go ahead and cover that up.

I’m gonna let those simmer for about 8 minutes. Lobsters already start and turn color. All right, so now I’m gonna add some Rosemary. I’m gonna flip the steak again. Beautiful color. Go ahead and mix that around. Grab a little more butter, throw it on the steak. Don’t forget to base it because it’s thick.

We’ll cover it. And before I burn my food, I just wanna let you know Dollar Jerky Club is a subscription service bot.

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We’ll go and flip our steak again. Oh, my gosh. I am 90% sure the steak is done, but we’ll waste it one more time. Cover that up, turn that off, and then I think everything’s done.

I’m gonna go ahead and plate it and we’ll see how it tastes. And there you freaking have it, dude. Oh my gosh, bro. The lobster looks freaking, the Brussels sprouts look romantic and vibrant.

And don’t even get me started on that beautiful tinder piece of meat right there. Now, as it cooked, a perfect medium rare. Let’s find out. Also, I hope the lobster is fully cooked. I forgot to check the temperature. It just looks good. All right. First thing I want to try is the Brussels sprouts.

Do they look freaking amazing? Brussels sprouts still have that little bit of a crunch to him. Did. These are amazing. This is one of the best ways you could possibly do Brussels sprouts and telling you try them, you’re gonna love them so good. Alright, here we go. Let’s go ahead and try this beautiful freaking lobster out.

I’m gonna try the other one because it looks more done. Over done. Oh, that just splashed me in the face. Anyway, let’s go and try it out. It looks good.

I freaking love Old Bay. If you’ve never had Old Bay, dude, you’re missing out. I’m telling you, just go get Old Bay and you can sprinkle it on anything we’re risking it for the biscuit, baby. We’re gonna eat both of them right now.

Oh, my gosh. It is mind blowing to me that you can go literally anywhere and go get a lobster and if you’re getting a steak with it, you’re gonna spend at least 80,$90 for the plate that I just made, literally did. It was 10 bucks for both of these lobsters. Do I recommend going to Walmart and buying their lobsters? Maybe not. Use precaution. Make sure they don’t smell funny or anything like that. Check the expiration dates. Point is, I spent $10 for two lobsters. I spent $10 on a filament yarn, and I got Brussels sprouts. And this plate probably doesn’t even cost me 30 bucks. And it’s so good.

The moment I know we are all waiting for, how does the flame and yarn look? Let’s find out. I haven’t looked yet. I haven’t looked yet. We’re gonna look together. We’re gonna look together. Come on, please be perfect. Please be perfect. This is perfect. This is perfect. That’s perfect. Look at that, bro. You can’t tell me that isn’t perfect. Oh, my gosh, this is gonna be amazing. I like to go thin slices of meat into the juices just like that.

That’s a nice crab sweet. Have we got something online? Don’t help me. Wanna touch that thing? Hold on. No way.