Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Android: A Guide to Seamless Integration with Your Computer

I’m gonna do something real special with my Android phone today
that a lot of people don’t really know about
and criticize Android for this particular reason.
So if Google or Samsung or anybody else watching,
you’re welcome. The question today was,
Android so trash? Because you can transfer stuff on an apple phone
from a Mac to the apple phone
and back and forth. They’re talking about messages and pictures.
In today’s video, I’m going to show you a really nice integration
between your computer and your phone.
So feel free to share this video with your friends.
And if you see videos on the internet or on TikTok
talking about certain things about Android
that you don’t really necessarily agree with,
tag me in those videos,
because I’d love to know and see what’s going on out there.
Now, the first thing we’re gonna do is
we’re gonna go and hide our icons on our desktop.
See? Nothing there.
If you want PC tips, you can go here.
We talk about PC stuff all the time.
Now, the next thing you want to do
is that you want to go to your search bar on your computer,
beat Windows 10 or 11 and search for phone.
And you’ll find an application called Phone Link.
Go and click on that. As you can see,
I already have stuff connected to it.
And what is this? You.
IPhone 14. Let’s go ahead and disconnect.
Listen, I hope you understand.
It’s a joke. I love and respect both platforms.
Just on this account, I’m your Android guy,
and we’re going to talk about that apple shenanigans.
If you click on a gear icon and then go here
where it shows a little phone,
you’ll see that you can connect your phones.
I already have two connected.
I can do my iPhone and the Android phone.
So you can just click select or just add a new device.
Now, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist
to be able to choose between these two
and follow instructions. Just know that on your Android phone,
you have to download link for Windows by Microsoft Corporation.
And now that your phone’s connected,
you can go to your photos tab
and just drag the photos onto your desktop
and open them right on here.
You can also go to your apps
and just launch whatever app you want on your phone
on the computer. So,
for instance, if I were to open up the copilot app on my computer,
it’s gonna ask me for a permission on my phone to cast it on here.
And now it’s running on here,
and I can just type and say whatever I want.
You can even go back to your phone’s CapCut projects
and edit those on a computer.
Okay, so what are the pros and cons?
First of all, it connects really easily.
You just have to have a Bluetooth adapter and be on the Same Wi-Fi,
which is usually the case for most laptops.
But I had to buy a Bluetooth adapter for my PC.
If yours doesn’t have it, you might want to buy one of those.
It’s not expensive. And it looks like one of these little guys.
You can get, like,
a TP Link, for example,
on Amazon. Now,
the second thing is that it connects easily.
You can transfer your photos,
you can take a look at your apps,
you can run the apps,
and you can even make phone calls and check your messages.
What about the cons? Well,
first of all, I don’t know if you guys have noticed it,
but every time I would open up an application,
it’ll show this on my screen.
So I’m gonna launch Google Drive on there,
for example, and it’s not gonna launch.
It’s gonna say loading app,
and it’s gonna ask me on my phone,
record start recording or casting with link to Windows.
So imagine my phone’s charging in the other room,
and I want to use some of the apps.
I’m connected to the same Wi-Fi,
so in theory, I should be able to use it.
But no. Every time I launch an app,
I have to come here and I have to tap on start now.
And once I do that,
then it’s gonna launch on my computer and show up the app.
That’s not the way the Apple’s integration works
or the future integration with iOS 18
It works seamlessly.
It’s just gonna run automatically once you give it a permission.
Now, Windows Phone Link is not the only app that you can use.
Intel has its own really good implementation of this
that works seamlessly with apple
as well as Android phones.
The second con is you can’t really transfer video files.
We’re connected to a Wi-Fi network.
And as you know, transferring stuff,
for example,
using Quickshare from a Samsung phone to a Samsung computer
happens really fast because that Wi-Fi link is super fast.
And Android phones, as opposed to the iPhone,
support Wi-Fi 7, which is super duper fast.
So you can, in theory,
transfer stuff just as fast as you could with,
like, a USB 2.0 cable,
even 3.0 sometimes. So that’s the second con.
But seeing Samsung’s defense,
this is just Microsoft’s implementation.
If you want to use your phone on your monitor as a desktop,
for example, you can buy one of those USB type C cables
that you can connect to your modern monitor
and you can use what’s called Samsung Dex.
If you aren’t familiar,
Samsung Dex is a built in operating system inside your Samsung phone
that lets you just turn your phone into a 4K computer screen
that looks like a desktop
that you can run any application you want
without having to use any virtualization or any streaming whatsoever.
And it works real time. Connect your keyboard,
connect your mouse, and just use it as A desktop while it’s charging.
And also don’t forget
Intel has its own implementation which goes into a more deeper level.
And we can talk about that in a future video
if you want to learn more about this.
Tag at Intel in the comments
and I’ll know what you guys are talking about.
And if you want to hear more about decks for example,
tag at Samsung or Samsung US in the comments and I’ll talk about Dex.
I think Dex is my favorite thing
and it doesn’t.
It isn’t really the case for any other phone manufacturer.
I don’t really see a lot of people using this.
It’s a really niche product
and I haven’t used it myself in a long time
cause I have a really performant computer.
But hey,
sometimes you want to run your Android applications on your computer.
If you’re going on a vacation
you just want to have all the access to all the stuff on your phone.
Samsung Dex preserves full access to all of your stuff
using Samsung Dex and whatever you have on your phone
cause it’s basically the same apps running but on the 4K display.
And before I let you go, shameless plug
become part of the Android Academy at my hardcore savvy.com website.
And also if you watch this video until the end,
do like a phone emoji in the comments so I know you’ve watched it.
Because there’s only a few people who do,
but recently There’s been a lot of people who have.
I look at the stats and like
10% of people finish watching the entire video. You guys are heroes.