Debt and Profit: The Illusion of Capitalism and Communism Explained

hey make it make sense for me
capitalism for all you capitalists out there
just comment below comment and enlighten me about how I’m wrong
cause I’m ready to hear it
let’s go
if you were to look at our current capitalist system
debt has just as much value as profit
how does that work well
if you were to look at your debt or the country’s debt
that debt is a commodity the debt that is crippling you and destroying your life
is a product that then can be traded on the stock market
and bring another person slash company value
so debt and profit are actually the same within this capitalist system
and if you’re like oh Toni
well capitalism blah blah blah blah
but you wanna be a communist
communism is a political system
capitalism is economic system
and yes capitalism does like cock block communism
or communism cock blocks capitalism
however you wanna see it
or clam slams it
because in a capitalist society
time equals money
but in a communist society that doesn’t translate in the same way
time does not equal money
and so capitalism and communism have this inherent tension
because time is not commodified in the same way
okay but in theoretical physics
the past and the future are treated exactly the same
wait what did I say
yes they are treated the same
therefore just like time is an illusion
which is proven by science
capitalism is an illusion because debt and profit
are treated the same as a commodity
we’re okay with these illusions
these are that
this is the vibe this is where we’re like
oh yeah yeah yeah
we should just like ruin
um most people’s lives with this illusion
yeah and then also um
we’re just gonna profit off of all your suffering
ha ha ha um
so okay
I’m ready I’m ready for you to make me wrong somehow
I mean go for it
I’m excited to see what you come up with
okay have a good day