Generosity and Charm: A Heartwarming Family Moment with David

David, I got a family here that’s just adorable.
I have over here Dimitri,
Kayla, Winter.
Turn around to the camera.
Winter and their mom Carla over here.
And these guys are buying a beautiful GIA certified GSI
two pair shape, an 18 carat mounting.
And I want you guys to see this whole thing.
Asking your mother for $5 for a cash app.
You’re asking her for $5 for a cash app?
I’ll tell you what,
I’ll give you some. You’re so cute.
I’m gonna give you something for yourself.
And you didn’t even have to vacuum.
I’m gonna give you five for your cash app and $20 for yourself.
How’s that? Wow!
And you don’t have to vacuum my house.
You don’t have to clean anything,
and you don’t have to do anything in a chore.
I’m giving that to you just because you’re so adorable.
But I want you to look in the camera and say hi to everybody.
Thank you. To the godmother.
Are you excited? Are you happy?
Will you go buy yourself something nice?
You promise? You can put this towards my ring?
You say no to me, she’s gotta put money towards you.
To me, it’s all about the youth.
If you don’t take care of the youth and help the youth,
they don’t take care of you.
So, winter,
give me a high five.
Dimitri, we got a deal.
We say. What do we say when we make a deal in This business. Mazal.
Mazal. Mazal