Balance Between Brutal Honesty and Personal Connections in Social Circles

Most social setups, we think our friends tell us what we want to hear,
not what we need to hear.
And most friends groups won’t tell the person what they need to hear.
Why? Is it because they don’t want to hurt the person’s feelings?
Yeah. I don’t want to tell them something that they don’t want to hear.
They may not like me.
There’s an old saying that two egos will never meet.
And the reason two egos will never meet is
the ego is only trying to solve for what itself.
It literally can’t see anything else.
So a lot of us don’t tell the truth,
not because we don’t want to offend the person.
It’s because we don’t want the person not to like us.
Some of you probably already figured this out.
My first priority with you isn’t for you to like me.
I don’t even know if it’s,
like, top three.
I’d like it if you liked me,
but that isn’t my objective.