Giraffes, Laughter, and Wildlife Conservation: A Comic’s Perspective

With last for drafts comic Matt Kirshu. I’m here with Eddie Pest. Yeah, I’m with Jen Sturger. Laugh with draft comic. Thanks for supporting wildlife conservation. I’m here with Eddie Pence, Laugh for giraffes comic. Thanks for coming out supporting the wildlife conservation. I’m here with Jackie Kation, who is a laugh for Giraff All Stars. She performed in the very first master drafts eight years ago. That was 2016. And she’s back for more. You must really love drafts.

I enjoy.

A giraffe. Ask you what wildlife conservation means to you. I don’t like care what you say. I just want to hear you say in your delightful English accent. Why do you. For wildlife conservation.

Most because my wife really likes to do that.

So you don’t give about wildlife? You just do what your wife says?

Yes, pretty much. That’s what I.

I’m married. I understand.

I mean, this is an accent that has done horrendous things to wildlife over several, over many hundred years, hundreds of years.

What does wildlife conservation mean to you?

Well, it means I don’t have to do as much work at animal rescue. I know. Honestly, I just support anything that involves working with animals cuz I like them more than people.

But yeah, it, I, I mean, what it means to me in general is that it kind of needs to happen. And the more of people like you and the less of people who are ripping apart forests.

You do a lot. You help rescue dogs and cats locally.

Dogs and cats. I was actually one of the groups that they authorize to go up into the hills during the Malibu fires, though, to like rescue those animals.

The world needs wildlife conservation with it, whether it be the habitat or the creatures that live in that habitat. I mean, I mean, you know, we take so much from the planet is we need to get back. Otherwise it’ll be inhabitable for the rest of us.

100% agree.

I thought it was so weird. Like that fire really gave me an insight to the weird pets that people in Malibu own. You know, like some guy called me and he was like, can you go pick up my turtles? And I was like, oh yeah, sure. We’ll just throw him in a box and like be on our way. These were like 90 pound and up tortoises. Like one was like over 300 pounds. So you need to get like a horse trailer to move these guys. And I was like, we were not ready for this.

That’s amazing. I have.

Fed a giraffe in real life. I’ve been a basket of grass that I’ve handed to a giraff. I was up high. The draft was right here.

Grass. Is that the closest feeling you’ll ever get to Jurassic Park?

That was the closest I’m ever gonna get to a freaking giraffe. That’s what we know. I hear. Here’s thing about animals. I feel like they’re living their lives. They don’t need my input. It’s, I, I always, I don’t wanna swim with dolphins. I don’t wanna. I’m good. I would like giraffes and all animals to have enough land that they don’t have to interact with me. How.

About that? That’s the most wise thing I’ve heard in a long time.

That’s what I’m known for. My comedy is wisdom. Wait a minute. No.

What’s your favorite animal? You don’t have to say.

Dress. My favorite.

Animal. Are you just pandering to me? Yes. Do you have a favorite animal? And you don’t have to say giraffe to appease me. No.

I, you know what? I don’t think I do have a favorite animal. It feels, I feel like my 4 year old nieces can be hugely disappointed, I feel like. But yeah, I honestly don’t know if I do. I mean, I’ve, I’ve, you know, I enjoy a zoo. I enjoy, I don’t think there’s one that I feel like it’s more of a specific animal. If I meant the zoo is like, oh, that one’s got a good attitude about them. Like last time I was in a zoo, there was like a really good with some kind of like sand like Desert Cat. That was a just a little thing by s by itself just that just had a really cool way about him.

I like that. I like that. I don’t have a favorite species, but I like the individual. Like you’re a cool animal.

Exactly. I think it’s more about, you know, just what they’re giving out to the world and what, you know, what attitude they’re bringing.

Dog is my favorite animal if I had to choose dog. But you’re talking about like animals you see at a zoo or just animals.

Ever. Oh, accept, dog. I will accept that.

You feel about like your giraffes at the zoo and they’re like, you know, cover by this one’s a good one and this one’s a bit of a.

You know, I get that question a lot. Do I have a favorite draft? And I always say, you know, I treat, they’re like my children. How can I pick a favorite? But I, I do have. I totally have a favorite.

Oh, thanks for coming. Really appreciate your support. We’re gonna save some drafts today because of your brilliant comedy, at least a draft, I’m pretty sure. And then come back next year. Maybe I’ll save two more. I will. Thank you so much for coming out. It’s.

A great cause and I really hope we save at least one giraffe.

I think, with the money we raise tonight, we saved at least one and a/2.

Get one and ankle splits at least.

Thank you, Eddie.

So much for having me. You guys were a great crowd and I hope we raised you some money.

Tonight. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Hope to see you guys. Thank you for coming out and supporting some wildlife conservation tonight.

And thanks for a really fun show.

There was some neck joke, sticking my neck out. That was that. I’m sticking my neck out.

Jackie Kation sticking her neck out for giraff. Thank you, Jack.