Personalizing Your Financial Goals: A New Approach to Achieving Success

I wanna come on here and, like,
say something to be like, if you wanna achieve your financial goals,
you should do this. But I have been so fatigued with, like,
hearing about people talk in that way on this app.
Just gonna tell you what I just did with my savings accounts.
If I can make something actual,
actually tangible,
then trying to achieve that goal feels a lot more personal.
Personal to me. And, like,
I don’t wanna break a promise to myself,
you know what I’m saying?
I can actually change the name of each account,
so I just renamed it to be, like,
the thing, the various things that I’m saving for.
And that way, if I spend the money that’s in the,
that account or I don’t save as much as I wanted to save or, like,
whatever it may be,
it’s almost like I’m personally breaking the promise with, like,
younger me.
So if you’ve ever struggled to save money consistently for a goal,
or you feel like you’ve been trying
over and over to save for something,
but you just keep bring
going back down to ground zero because you keep spending that money,
maybe try. Just try giving this a try.