Revisiting Comfort: A Collection of Beloved Films for Endless Joy and Nostalgia

These are my comfort films that I watch over and over again on repeat
because I just love them,
and I never get sick of them because they’re so good.
First of all, we have Endless Love,
which I’ve talked about this movie a million times
because I feel like in my soul,
it is my favorite comfort
ultimate film is. I love everything that this movie is about.
The music is so good in this movie.
I want this romance story to be my own.
I just love everything about it and watch it probably once a month,
and I don’t get sick of it.
Cheaper by the dozen.
This has been a movie that’s my comfort movie since I was, like, younger.
I feel like I’ve just watched it,
like, throughout my life,
and at this point, it just has a lot of nostalgia for me.
The music in this movie is so epic.
I love everybody on this cast is like,
10 out of 10. I just.
When I’m feeling, like,
sad and I need to remember,
like, childhood nostalgia.
Next is little woman. I love rewatching this one.
I think it’s very comforting to me.
Just something that’s so realistic about, like,
the sibling relationships in the way that they talk to each other.
It’s so good. Also love the romance,
Safe Haven. I rewatch this one a lot in the winter especially.
It’s like my comfort film for when I’m missing summer,
because something about
The town that this movie takes place in is the perfect,
like, little beachside town.
Love the coloring. I love the music. Again,
it’s so good. Lastly,
we have pride and prejudice.
Obviously this one has to be on the list.
Makes me want to live in that time,
even though I know I would have hated living in that time.
Like, something about it looks so cozy,
and I know it really wasn’t cozy,
but it’s. It is in my head.
Those are just some of my comfort movies
that I literally watch all the time.
But love you. Bye.