Running Through the Storm: Sticking to my Routine Despite Challenges

Hey guys, it’s runtime. This may be one of my stupider ideas. It’s supposed to have, we’re supposed to have a thunderstorm here at 5, and it’s currently 4:50. And I’m also like insanely sick. But I know that if I don’t like stick to my routine and run every day, like I told myself I was gonna as soon as I start making excuses, like it’ll just get easier and I’ll keep doing it.

So I’m sticking to my routine even though I’m sick. Wow, look at these flowers. Oh my God. I should. I forgot to update you guys what I have been running since the last running vlog that I posted. I’ve actually stayed very consistent with it. I’m trying to run 30 minutes today.

I’m not going for speed or distance. It’s just for time. We have on all pink today. I’m really not feeling well. I’m gonna stretch.

Okay, I, Loki did just hear thunder and I’m pretty sure I’m the only person in this whole park cuz there was no other cars out there. So I kind of feel like I’m entering like a horror movie. Alright, I’m gonna run anyways. Okay, where half a mile in, I’m taking a detour because I have to be so bad. I don’t wanna hold it anymore.

So this is where we’re going. Oh, my gosh. I’m scared. There should be anyone here running again. But new plan. I’m going back to my car because I took my Airpod out and I heard a car alarm going off and my car is the only one in the lot. And this place is known to have like burglaries, even though I’ve nothing in there, but I’m going back to check on it. And then I think I’m just gonna run at my neighborhood gym and do an ad workout, which I’ll still bring you guys with me for.

But I’m kind of nervous about the thunder, thoroughly thunderstorm. And I’m the only person in here, so let’s do that. I went the wrong way. All right, we’re pausing it halfway through the run, getting swarmed by bugs. And I’m gonna drive to the gym now. So I’ll see you there.

I just got to the gym and I’m in like this private little room and I’m gonna start running again, guys. I’m done the run. I’m dying if you can’t tell. But now we’re gonna do ABS and a little bit of like body weight. First we wipe down our mat because, okay, now that I’m disgustingly sweaty, we’re done here and I’m gonna go home and chuck some more water.

So one thing I wanted to say, I have like a tremor so my hands shake a lot. And like when I work out sometimes like use specific muscles, my muscles will shake. And I didn’t like start weight lifting in the gym until fifth, like 2023, because I was too scared that people were gonna see me shaking and think I was like weak or whatever. And then like this past year, I started with lifting and like I would go to the gym every day and literally no one notices. And if they do, like no one cares.

Like literally no one cares. And as long as you are going and like putting in the effort, like it doesn’t matter for shaking and I’m realizing that was the stupist thing ever. But anyways, that’s all to say that if you’re scared to go to the gym or like weight left because you think you’re gonna be seen as weak or like whatever, don’t be. Cuz once you like actually just start doing it, you’ll realize that it was a dumb fear and that nobody cares and nobody’s paying attention to you anyways. So that’s my little motivational speech for the day.

Because, yeah, but I also feel like it’s kind of something you just have to do. Like people would tell me that they’re like, nobody cares and like all this stuff before I went to the gym and off like, yeah, right. But then once I started actually just going and trying it, I realized that it was true. So anyways, bye.